REVOLUTIONARY ROAD 知道这本书是因为看了本同名百合文,当时是冲着作者去看的,除了狗血和最爱的人物挂了非常心痛之外也没看出哪里有“革命”的影子。后来看完了这本倒觉得可以用广播剧海报上的那句“一场生活的起义”来概括,没有一个字写革命,却处处都在起义。 我一开始以为这全是婚姻问题导致的,直到看完才意...
With the quote “Alas! When passion is both meek and wild! ” by John Keats, begins the novel, Revolutionary Road. First Published in 1961, Richard Yates’ ... 0回复 · 0 有用 [已注销] 2016-07-31 03:57:55 [Review] Revolutionary Road I did not finish the book when first reading...
Revolutionary Road 正在读这本书,不过是翻译本,翻译得忒差了,我读了三分之一,真想掐那个译者的脖子!!!翻译本是时报出版社出版的,译者是辅仁大学翻译学研究所硕士:郑淑芬。一对吃饱了撑的小资夫妻之间的小资对话, 不知道该怪翻译还是该怪原著作者,啥时候我整一本原版的小说看看再评价吧~~...
Revolutionary Road的书评。 记得当初读完这本书我好久没缓过来,这对年轻的夫妻以及他们永远到不了的巴黎,都让我深深地难过。我在想为什么现实的力量如此可怕,让人猝不及防、束手无策,毫无反抗之力。 是时代的错,是大环境的错。...
Revolutionary's Road. The article reviews the book "Trotsky: A Biography," by Robert Service. Troy,Gordon - 《Institute of Public Affairs Review》 被引量: 0发表: 2010年 Mao's Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-49: V. 6: New Stage (August 1937-1938): Revolutionary Writings, ...
Revolutionary Bergen County, The Road To Independence.(Book review)Johnson, Peter W
DirectedAmericanBeauty,RoadtoPerditionandJarhead REVOLUTIONARYROAD©2008ParamountVantage.Review©DavidBruce RICHARDYATES(Author)In1961,attherelativelylateageof35,hepublishedhisfirstnovel,RevolutionaryRoad.Winningextraordinaryacclaim,thebookwasnominatedthatyearforaNationalBookAward REVOLUTIONARYROAD©2008ParamountVantage...
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Lost Kingdoms of Africa – Nubia BBC (2013) Film Review For thousands of years Nubia, the traditional name for northern Sudan, dominated the region now known as the eastern Sahara (at the time the Sahara desert was still lush grass lands fed by Nile tributaries). ...
Address: Revolutionary Site at the Foot of Fenghuang Mountain, Fenghuangshan Road (entrance on Zhongxin Jie), Yan'an, Shaanxi province, China Tel.Nr.: +86 911 211 2372 Bus: ???Former Revolutionary Headquarters at WangjiapingOpening Hours May - October: 8am - 6pm November - April: 8am - ...
VDE Rust,AE Yogev - Jai Press Inc., 55 Old Post Road No. 2, P.O. Box 1678, Greenwich, CT 06836 ($73.25). 被引量: 10发表: 1994年 Iran's Natural Gas Industry in the Post-Revolutionary Period: Optimism, Scepticism, and Potential This book critically examines exports of Iranian natural...