Revolut Bank UAB has established a branch in France, (Revolut France succursale de Revolut Bank UAB), authorised by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority and registered with the Paris Commercial register under SIREN number 917 420 077 and whose registered office is at 10 avenue...
The bank 4 million people in France use #1 downloaded banking app 4.3 out of 5 on Trustpilot 'World's Most Innovative Company for Personal Finance in 2024' Banque en ligne la moins chere pour les jeunes Your money’s safe space
Revolut Bank UAB has established a branch in France, (Revolut France succursale de Revolut Bank UAB), authorised by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority and registered with the Paris Commercial register under SIREN number 917 420 077 and whose registered office is at 10 avenue...
75854 PARIS CEDEX 17 To find out more about the mediator, go to the dedicated site. Cryptocurrency & Precious Metals fees This page shows the fees for the services provided to you by us, Revolut Bank UAB branch in France. The Cryptocurrency and Precious Metals products are offered by our UK...
Revolut Bank UAB agissant via sa succursale en France SIREN 894 031 244 et dont le siège social est sis 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France Droit français Le tribunal compétent en France Revolut Bank UAB, succursale en Espagne Avec l'identifiant fiscal W0250845E, dûment enregistrée...
Revolut Bank UAB, über sein französisches Teilunternehmen tätig SIREN 917 420 077894 031 244 mit eingetragenem Sitz in 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, Frankreich Französisches Recht Das in Frankreich zuständige Gericht. Bitte beachte Folgendes: Wenn du unzufrieden damit bist, wie wir...
Revolut Bank UAB アイルランド支店 2 Dublin Landings, North Dock, Dublin 1, Ireland(法人番号909790) アイルランド法 アイルランドの管轄裁判所 Revolut Bank UAB フランス支店 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France (法人番号SIREN 917 420 077) ...
Revolut Bank UAB acting via its branch in France SIREN 894 031 244 and whose registered office is at 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France French law If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you can refer it free of charge to the Médiateur de l’Association fran...
Revolut Bank UAB acting in Ireland via its branch in Ireland 2 Dublin Landings,North Dock, Dublin 1, Ireland Irish law The competent courts of Ireland. Revolut Bank UAB acting via its branch in France 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France (SIREN 894 031 244) French law If you are unha...
La Promotion est organisée et proposée par Revolut Bank UAB agissant via sa succursale en France (« Revolut France ») dont le siège social est sis 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France (SIREN 917 420 077). Si vous avez une question concernant la Promotion (autre qu'une réclama...