若直接使用revoke connect on database postgres from u1命令撤销u1用户的权限不会生效,因为数据库的CONNECT权限授予了PUBLIC,需指定关键字PUBLIC实现。验证结果,显示如下内容表示用户u1的connect on database权限已成功撤销。 gsql -d gaussdb -h -U u1 -p 8000 gsql: FATAL: permission denied for...
postgres=#grantallondatabase postgrestorole_a;GRANTpostgres=#grantselectonalltablesinschema schema1torole_a;GRANTpostgres=#grantallonschema schema1torole_a;GRANT--将前面对象赋权时创建的role_a删除postgres=#droprole role_a; ERROR: role "role_a" cannot be dropped becausesomeobjects dependonit DETA...
The Advanced ServerALTER ROLEcommand also supports syntax that revokes the system privileges required to create a public or private database link, or exemptions from fine-grained access control policies (DBMS_RLS). TheALTER ROLEsyntax is functionally equivalent to the respectiveREVOKEcommand, compatible...
数据库(Database)是表、索引、视图、存储过程、操作符的集合。您可以在一个 AnalyticDB PostgreSQL 实例中创建多个数据库,但是客户端程序一次只能连接上并且访问一个数据库,无法跨数据库进行查询。创建数据库 使用 CREATE DATABASE ... 数据迁移和同步 使用MongoDB工具将自建数据库迁移至单节点实例 副本集 使用DTS...
若直接使用revoke connect on database postgres from u1命令撤销u1用户的权限不会生效,因为数据库的CONNECT权限授予了PUBLIC,需指定关键字PUBLIC实现。验证结果,显示如下内容表示用户u1的connect on database权限已成功撤销。 gsql -d gaussdb -h -U u1 -p 8000 gsql: FATAL: permission denied for...
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON salesemp FROM mary; Note that this actually means “revoke all privileges that I granted”. Revoke membership in roleadminsfrom userjoe: RevokeCONNECTprivilege from userjoe: Copy REVOKE CONNECT FROM joe; RevokeCREATE DATABASE LINKprivilege from userjoe: ...
revoke connect on database postgres from u1cannot be used directly because theCONNECTpermission is granted topublic. Verify the result. If the following information is displayed, theCONNECT ON DATABASEpermission has been revoked from useru1.