Reviving Ophelia 剧情加拿大 / 92分钟 2011-01-07加拿大上映 影片对比 暂无想看 样本较少暂无画像 昨日新增想看 暂无 想看单日峰值 暂无丰富信息请发送邮件至ziliao@maoyan.com违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900猫眼专业版 秒级实时票房随时看 立即下载 ...
Reviving Ophelia is an emotional drama that explores the challenges teenage girls face as they navigate through adolescence. The film is a 2010 adaptation of the bestselling book by Mary Pipher. The movie's plot follows Elizabeth (Jane Kaczmarek), a therapist who is struggling to help her patie...