ViewSchedule.CreateRevision();创建修订明细表; ViewSchedule.CreateSchedule();创建明细表; ViewSchedule.CreateSheetList();创建图纸明细表; View.CreateCallout();创建详图索引视图; ViewSection.CreateDtail();创建详图视图; ViewSheet.Create();创建图纸视图; PanelScheduleView.CreateInstanceView();创建配电盘明细...
问题: 用户指出,在楼板/楼板中创建凹进时,会影响使用区域钢筋创建的所有钢筋。这涉及地板内的所有标高,即使它实际上不相交。凹槽是使用“内建模型”中的空心创建的,并裁切下面的所有钢筋。 状态: 正在对此事件可能的原因进行调查并寻求相应的解决...
For this, it is necessary to develop configurations that allow for the creation of an expressive and detailed floor plan that gives the best possible view of a project. In this article, you will find an architectural file from Revit that features a series of configured View Templates. Made ...
7. View Window: The View Window is the central area of the interface, where users create and manipulate their designs. It provides various views, such as floor plans, elevations, sections, and 3D views, allowing users to work on different aspects of the project simultaneously. 8. Status Bar...
I don't know what changes I made to the settings- now when I draw walls on the floor plan Revit displays a message "None of the created elements are visible in Floor Plan: Level 2 View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings, as well as a...
Generally, Revit join option cuts the wall structure by the floor structure. This works for most conditions, but not all. Here is an example where our “2-HR wall” (shown with the darker hatch) needs to go continuously to the roof of the building. ...
5 out 5, thanks for the assistance below. I got what I really need. Such a big help diRoots. 回覆 Frank Pepping | 五月13, 2022 In the View selection tab you can specify a custom name. - click the pencil icon on the richt column. -select view name -tranfer it to the richt si...
This add-in allows us to fully automate batch creation of hangers with many flexible hanger creation modes. The main features are described below: Automatically create single hangers at evenly spaced intervals with multiple hanger placement modes. Automatically create floor support at evenly spaced inte...
工作平面查看器---ID_WORKPLANE_VIEW---创建->工作平面;修改->工作平面;建筑->工作平面;结构->工作平面;系统->工作平面;上下文选项卡->工作平面--- 链接Revit---ID_RVTDOC_LINK---插入->链接--- 链接IFC---ID_IFC_LINK---插入->链接--- 链接CAD---ID...