9.型兔BIMto云族库 型兔BIMto云族库是一款免费的族库插件,每周三定期更新。让用户随时拥有最新的云族...
2-Which Lumion Versions support Live sync with sketchup 2017-2019 Thanks 回覆 | 十一月 06, 2019 Hi Abrar Iqbal, you will need Lumion 8.3 (or newer) and Revit 2015 (or newer) to be able to use the LiveSync function in Revit. Regarding SketchUp, you can see which versions that are ...
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dF4p3zj 密码: jd74 Autodesk Revit 2017 Win64 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1miS2kIk 密码: y9ey Autodesk Revit LT 2017 G1 R1 Win x64 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhMMoti 密码: g9f5 Autodesk Revit 2017 Win plus SP1 and SP2 链接: http://...
Solidworks到Revit的模型数据转换研究 Solidworks到Revit的模型数据转换研究 Research on Model Data Conversion from Solidworks to Revit 丁芮,陈俊,郑智新,汪海波 (中机第一设计研究院有限公司,合肥230601)DING Rui,CHEN Jun,ZHENG Zhi-xin,WANG Hai-bo (First Design and Research Institute MI China Co.Ltd....
designer's job easier, Sketchup is still basically a low level modellig tool. If you have to ...
2-Which Lumion Versions support Live sync with sketchup 2017-2019 Thanks 回复 | 十一月 06, 2019 Hi Abrar Iqbal, you will need Lumion 8.3 (or newer) and Revit 2015 (or newer) to be able to use the LiveSync function in Revit. Regarding SketchUp, you can see which versions that are ...
2-Which Lumion Versions support Live sync with sketchup 2017-2019 Thanks Ответить | ноября 06, 2019 Hi Abrar Iqbal, you will need Lumion 8.3 (or newer) and Revit 2015 (or newer) to be able to use the LiveSync function in Revit. Regarding SketchUp, you can see whi...
2-Which Lumion Versions support Live sync with sketchup 2017-2019 Thanks Reply | November 06, 2019 Hi Abrar Iqbal, you will need Lumion 8.3 (or newer) and Revit 2015 (or newer) to be able to use the LiveSync function in Revit. Regarding SketchUp, you can see which versions that are...