问题: 您正在使用.rte文件,并想将其另存为.rvt项目文件 原因: Revit模板被创建为新项目的起点。 Revit不允许将样板文件直接另存为项目文件(使用“另存为”命令)。 从样板创建项目的过程是选择创建项目(Ctrl+N),然后指定要用于新项目的样板。 解决方案: 要从样板创建
问题: 如何从现有项目文件创建 Revit 样板? 解决方案: 请执行以下步骤: 打开 Revit 项目文件 (RVT)。 如果这是工作共享文件,则需要禁用工作共享。 另存为样板文件 (
When attempting to access a Revit model from Revit Home within Revit, the model does not appear. The model was originally initiated to the cloud from Revit. Using the Document Management/Docs Copy option or using the Autodesk Construction C...
The file can be a project file with the extension .rvt, a family file with the extension .rfa, or a template file with the extension .rte. The second overload takes a path to the model as a ModelPath rather than a string and the OpenOptions parameter offers options for opening the fi...
Revit includes several fill patterns and stores them in the default project template file. Alternatively, custom ones can be created or edit an existing fill pattern as needed. A fill pattern is stored in the project file in which it was created. To save the pattern to a project template, ...
The file can be a project file with the extension .rvt, a family file with the extension .rfa, or a template file with the extension .rte.第二个重载采用模型的路径作为ModelPath而不是字符串,OpenOptions参数为打开该文件提供选项,例如,如果可以的话,将已打开的文件从中心分离出来,...
Create multiple Drawing Sheets, place Views based on a pre-defined template, and easily manage Drawing Sheets revisions. Export and sheets/views lists to/from Excel. ReOrdering Easily renumber instance Revit parameters by using a prefix, a suffix, and a multiplier (manually or following a path/...
Visual Studio C# (project) template for easy Revit add-in creation templateapplicationvisual-studiocsharpaddinvs2017revitadd-inrevit-api UpdatedJul 1, 2022 C# mattmas/Metamorphosis Star76 A tool for watching changes between Revit models, addin and Dynamo. ...
Typically in Civil 3D one doesn't need the interiors of a building (however care must be taken as to what is visible through the glass from the exterior). Thus I recommend creating a View Template in Revit to control the visibility of such interior objects. Use the "Interior" filter, and...
public void SetSettingsFileLocation(string strSettingsFileLocation); 创建一个新项目 varprojectrTemplate =Application.DefaultProjectTemplate;if(!File.Exists(projectrTemplate)) {thrownewFileNotFoundException("默认项目路径不存在 , 请指定 !"); }vardocument = Application.NewProjectDocument(projectrTemplate);...