CompoundStructure compoundStructure = floorType.GetCompoundStructure(); CompoundStructure类描述着当前构件的结构层次。 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.CompoundStructureLayer类 CompoundStructure类是描述当前构件层次的类,其主要是有一个集合IList<CompoundStructureLayer> layers 记录着所有的层次信息,主要通过类CompoundStructureLayer...
载入到项目并关闭---ID_LOAD_INTO_PROJECTS_CLOSE---族编辑器->族编辑器--- 填充区域;填充区域---ID_OBJECTS_FILLED_REGION---创建->详图;注释->详图--- 标签---ID_OBJECTS_TAG_NOTE---创建->文字--- 修订明细表---ID_VIEW_NEW_REVISION_SCHEDULE---视图->创建--- 上弦杆;上弦杆---ID_TRUSS_TO...
CompoundStructure compoundStructure = floorType.GetCompoundStructure(); CompoundStructure类描述着当前构件的结构层次。 2.CompoundStructureLayer类 CompoundStructure类是描述当前构件层次的类,其主要是有一个集合IList<CompoundStructureLayer> layers 记录着所有的层次信息,主要通过类CompoundStructureLayer来描述一个层次,Co...
sweeps and reveals that can really customize your design. We'll also explore how to use the split region tool to add layers to a stacked wall system. By the end of this course you'll have the skills necessary to create your own wall systems using Revit 2014. Software required: Revit ...
OST_MaskingRegion OST_Mass OST_MassAreaFaceTags OST_MassCutter OST_MassExteriorWall OST_MassExteriorWallUnderground OST_MassFaceSplitter OST_MassFloor OST_MassFloor_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange OST_MassFloorsAll OST_MassForm OST_MassGlazingAll OST_MassHiddenLines OST_MassInteriorWall OS...
Creating a Plan Region 438 Creating a Custom Ceiling 440 Creating Ceiling Openings and Soffits 446 Creating a Ceiling Opening 446 Creating a Soffit 447 Adding Light Fixtures to Ceilings 456 Adding Interior Design 460 Adding Plumbing Fixtures and Furniture 461 Adding Parabolic Troffers 468 Adding...
Privacy PolicyLegal Sort Mark Batch numbers and marks Revit elements Get your free 14-day trial Access all product trials in the ARKANCE Dock UI. Select Revit version Select* Select your country / region Select* If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. ...
OST_FloorAnalyticalTags 分析楼层标记 OST_FilledRegion 填充区域 OST_WallAnalytical 分析墙 OST_FlexPipeCurvesPattern 填充图案 OST_WallAnalyticalTags 分析墙标记 OST_FlexDuctCurvesPattern 填充图案 OST_WallFoundationAnalytical 分析条形基础 OST_DividedSurface_PatternLines 填充图案线 OST_WallFoundationAnalyticalTags ...
"S" menu:"Tools-Split Walls and Lines" "T" menu:"Tools-Trim/Extend" "U" menu:"Tools-Paint" "V" menu:"View-View Properties" "W" menu:"Modelling-Wall" "X" menu:"Edit-Modify" "Y" menu:"View-New-Default 3D View" "Z" menu:"View-Zoom-Zoom In Region" "AA" menu:"Edit-Array"...
Create Wall(2) create.fromcurves(1) Create.NewDimension()' function(1) CreateSection(1) Creating Assembly(1) Crop Region(5) CropBox(3) cropped view(1) csharp(27) CSharp Alignment(1) CSharp Search(1) curtain grid(1) curtain panel(1) curtain wall(2) curve(4) ...