用户指出,对于 Revit 中的特定视图,将视图方向从“项目北”更改为“正北”再更改回“项目北”无法按预期工作。受影响的视图似乎对第一次更改做出反应,但之后停止响应方向参数的更改。 状态:尚未发现任何问题,软件操作与设计相符。 附加...
问题: 尝试旋转“项目北”时,模型挂起且旋转未完成。 原因: 模型开发良好(例如,它有许多模型图元),并有数百个建模错误。 解决方案: 要避免此问题,应在项目开始时确定项目位置和位置。在模型开发良好时更改这些设置可能会导致问题,因为所有项目都需要在所有视图中
問題: Revitの真北ビューをプロジェクトの北に回転できないという報告がありました ステータス: 事件の調査は完了しており、現時点では解決は決定されていない。 追加情報: ビューの方向が真北からプロジェクトの北に変更されても、ビューは回転しません。線...
颜色方案---ID_SETTINGS_COLORFILLSCHEMES---建筑->房间和面积;分析->空间和分区--- 面积和体积计算---ID_SETTING_AREACALCULATIONS---建筑->房间和面积;分析->空间和分区--- 面洞口---ID_CREATE_OPENING_BY_FACE_TB---建筑->洞口;结构->洞口--- 竖井洞口---ID_CREATE_SHAFT_OPENING_TB---建筑->洞口...
Bing map Elevation does not match with Revit Elevation when setting the Project Location Yes 01-Jul-22 Is there any way to add instance parameters for stacked walls in Revit? How to add an instance parameter for stacked walls in Revit No Wendy Lim Data Nerd | Community Advocate...
If you chooseSurvey Pointas theInsertion Point, then 'true North' is taken into account. 3.2: Surface smoothing: TheSurface Smoothingslider lets you define how detailed (how many facets) curvy surfaces should be. Setting it to the maximum value can have a serious impact on the time it...
Export Setting(1) export settings(1) export to dwg(3) export to NWC(1) exportação(1) ExportImage(1) exporting(2) Exporting .ifc(5) exporting cut files(1) exporting IFC(1) Extend below riser base(1) extents(2) exterior(2) Exterior Wall Finish(1) External App...
Using Image Files in a Revit Project 108 Setting Options for Quality Control 111 Using Cloud-based Solutions 113 The Bottom Line 113 Chapter 5Multiplatform Interoperability: Working with 2D and 3D Data 115 2D Data Types 116 MicroStation 2D DGN 116 ...
However, coordinated work between disciplines / multiple buildings in the same lot always requires shared positioning and setting of coordinates, as well as work that requires interoperability between software. A base point established upstream ensures the project’s correct positioning. Typically, when ...
Face-Based Family Enhancement – Save Placement Setting When placing face-based families, the default placement option (i.e.,Place on Vertical Face,Place on Face,Place on Work Plane) seems to always be set to the wrong option. Now, once you have changed the placement option for a specific...