Project Elevation Contains a collection of project elevation values Reference Plane Contains a collection of Revit reference plane elements R Reference Point Contains a collection of Revit reference point elements Schedule Contains a collection of Revit schedule views Section Contains a collection of Revit...
部件标记:OST_AssemblyTags 配电盘明细表图形:OST_PanelScheduleGraphics 门标记:OST_DoorTags 零件标记:OST_PartTags 面积标记:OST_AreaTags 面荷载标记:OST_AreaLoadTags 预制零件标记:OST_FabricationPartTags 颜色填充图例:OST_ColorFillLegends 风管内衬标记:OST_DuctLiningsTags 风管标记:OST_DuctTags 风管管件标...
配电盘明细表样板_管理样板---ID_RBS_PANEL_SCHEDULE_MANAGE_TEMPLATES---管理->设置--- 配电盘明细表样板_编辑样板---ID_RBS_PANEL_SCHEDULE_EDIT_A_TEMPLATE---管理->设置--- 其他设置_填充样式---ID_SETTINGS_FILLPATTERNS---管理->设置--- 其他设置_分析显示样式---ID_SETTINGS_ANALYSIS_DISPLAY_STYLES...
* is the multiply sign in Revit formulas. On theFormattingtab, anyFieldwe don’t want to show we can select theHidden Field check box. This hides the field so your schedule is a lot cleaner. I went ahead and HidVolumeandVolume Conversionas these were only required to get the Weight. N...
明细表图形 : OST_ScheduleGraphics 机电设备标记 : OST_MechanicalEquipmentTags 材质标记 : OST_MaterialTags 标高: OST_Levels 栏杆扶手标记 : OST_StairsRailingTags 植物标记 : OST_PlantingTags 楼板标记 : OST_FloorTags 楼梯平台标记 : OST_StairsLandingTags ...
Works well for small simple schedules, but if you try to export a large schedule and change in Excel and then import back into revit, a lot of infomation in the cells get's scrambled and changes to random text. DON"T use on a live project!! 回覆 Manh Nguyen Duc (發佈者) | 十一...
ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc,view.Id,schedule.Id,location); trans.Commit(); } } 视图关联 视图关联功能可以确保多个视图之间的关联性,例如在修改一个视图时,其他相关视图也同步更新。以下是一个设置视图关联的例子: publicvoidSetViewAssociation(Documentdoc,Viewview1,Viewview2) { //使用事务来确保模型的...
The first thing we need to know is which data is a potential candidate for visualization. It is obvious that we can transform a common Revit schedule or any simple spreadsheet into graphics, but here we are looking for data that needs to be processed and extracted out o...
opening project error(1) Opening Time(1) openings(6) Openings Schedule(1) Options(1) orbit(2) Ordinate Dimensions(1) Organic shape(1) orientation(3) orientação(1) origin(2) ornament(1) ortho(1) Other(1) Other Enhancements(1) overlap(1) Override(2) Overrid...
We know that Autodesk Revit schedules are very powerful - if we have modelled it then we can schedule it, and the information will be live and up to date. Revit schedules save us lots of time.