Ensure that the destination path specified in install.bat matches your user project template location. You can change the known location for user templates in Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Locations, cf., how to locate and organize project and item templates: Alternatives Several alte...
问题: 如何从现有项目文件创建 Revit 样板? 解决方案: 请执行以下步骤: 打开 Revit 项目文件 (RVT)。 如果这是工作共享文件,则需要禁用工作共享。 另存为样板文件 (
Select "New Project". 3.设置项目名称和存储位置。 Set the project name and location for storage. 4.选择建筑结构模板。 Select the architectural template. 5.创建建筑模型。 Create the architectural model. 6.设定墙体、柱、梁的尺寸和材料。 Set the dimensions and materials of walls, columns, and be...
The BIM Guru remake of the Basic Sample Project, rendered in Enscape Initially, I recreated the Autodesk Basic Sample Project. This iconic house is one many Revit users would recognize, but I took the liberty to deliver the project using my own custom template and content systems. The model...
var projectrTemplate = app.DefaultProjectTemplate; if (!File.Exists(projectrTemplate)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("默认项目路径不存在 , 请指定 !"); } var document = app.NewProjectDocument(projectrTemplate); if (document == null) ...
The Revit model is not visible in Revit Home when attempting to access from the copied folder location. Causes:To open a model from Revit Home in Revit: Models must be initiated from Revit into BIM 360/ACC. Solution:Initiate a model ...
public void SetSettingsFileLocation(string strSettingsFileLocation); 创建一个新项目 varprojectrTemplate =Application.DefaultProjectTemplate;if(!File.Exists(projectrTemplate)) {thrownewFileNotFoundException("默认项目路径不存在 , 请指定 !"); }vardocument = Application.NewProjectDocument(projectrTemplate);...
Project Setup 计划方案 Project Templates / Standards项目模板/标准 Below are a minimum of what each project should start within the project template. Annotations and Annotation Families for both Architectural and Interiors 以下是部分项目模板,建筑和室内设计的注释和注释的族。 Set up all typical annotation...
问题: 创建新视图不会在项目浏览器中生成视图,并且是特定于一个样板的。 解决方案: 此问题已在REVIT 2017内容修补程序中修复,请检查:Autodesk Revit 2017内容修补程序。 在现有模板中修复此问题: 打开导致问题的模板或项目。 打开未选择任何样板的新项目(“无”)。
●点位置是个LocationPoint类对象-基础、门,或有点位置的桌子。 ●线位置是个LocationCurve类对象-有线位置的梁。 ●它们都是Location类的子类。 2.主体和主面( Host and HostFace ) Host和HostFace都是FamilyInstance属性。 (1)主体(Host)。 族实例对象有个Host属性,该属性返回其主体图元。有些族实例对象没有...