问题: Revit与网络(NAS/SAN)和云文件存储的互操作性。 原因: 随着新文件存储选项的出现和旧版本选项的更为易于使用,了解Revit如何使用各种文件存储解决方案非常重要。 解决方案: Revit旨在与Microsoft Windows和Windows文件系统配合使用并支持它。 如果某项技术试图模拟
The project will only be visible to select when using that version of Revit. Note: Check the "Deleted" items as well in the cloud as there are maybe not any more visisble models initiated from a specific Revit version. The European BIM 360 / ACC Aregi...
Users reported that Revit crashes when trying to open any cloud model. Other symptoms may include: The error "A software problem has caused Revit ### to close unexpectedly" preceding the crash. This behavior may occur following a Windows Blue Screen eve
... DBG_WARN: Escaped managed exception Configuration system failed to initialize, and error code is 80131902: line 68 of E:\Ship\2022_px64\Source\DataStorage\CloudClientInterop\ManagedExceptionHandling.cpp. ... 'status: ERROR : Cannot connect to central mod...
Looking for an automated and less error-prone solution, he asks “when we put a revision cloud on a sheet, the revision schedule will communicate with our issue list and automatically add a dot to make it automatic and remove human error?“ ...
Fixed an issue where some users may have difficulty logging in for cloud shared licenses Sheet Assistant: Bug fix -- Creating new sheets and applying views based on an existing sheet were not placing the views. 23.0 NEW: Cloud Shared Licensing option! Now supports Revit 2023 Room Data Sheets...
Plug-in Support(1) plugin(4) plugin usage(1) plugins(1) Plumbing Fixture(1) Plumbing Fixtures(1) PnIDModeler(1) point(1) Point Cloud(10) Point cloud analysis(1) point clouds(1) Point snaps(1) pointcloud(1) PointOnElement(1) Polycurve(1) Polygon(1) polyline(...
Storage:1TB is deal to store pretty much every project you work on during 5 years. However, this model only comes with 512GB. This should not be an issue if you use an external storage to save older projects (or the cloud) or just simply upgrade storage as shown in myhow to upgrade...
In order to take notes, go to Forgify tab, and click on My Notebook Open, it will bring up a window and start adding notes! Upon clicking the Save button, notes will be saved to the cloud. Notes window is designed to be a modeless window. You can dock or float the My Notebook ...
"Data in file XXX - Cloud.rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered. Please contact Autodesk Support." I have contacted Autodesk Support, and they referred me to this forum. The above message is what I receive when I try to open my project. I can open other projects from ...