Maybe you know the power of Revit software’s Family Editor but you’ve avoided it or it has intimidated you until now. Wait no more. This article will introduce you to the basics of Family Editor.
类型属性---Dialog_Revit_FamilyBar_Control_Revit_PropertyPanelTypePropBtn---创建->属性;修改->属性--- 属性---ID_TOGGLE_PROPERTIES_PALETTE---PP#Ctrl+1#VP---创建->属性;视图->窗口;修改->属性;上下文选项卡->属性--- 族类别和族参数---ID_OBJECTS_FAMILYHOST---创建->属性;修改->属性--- 族类...
组件是 Revit 组构建筑信息模型的基本元素,大致可分成 1. 模型组件(Model Elements);2. 基 准 元 件 (Datum Elements);3. 视 图 特 有 元 件(View-Specific Elements) 三类。设计师在 Revit 中建模时,会将许多参数化建筑组件不断地加入到工程项目中。 Revit 则会按照品类(Category)、族群(Family)、类型...
/// Store all family symbol in current Revit document /// public List<FamilySymbol> FamilySymbolList { get { return m_familySymbolList; } } /// /// Store all family symbol names /// public List<String> FamilySymbolNameList { get { return m_familySymbolNameList; } } /// ///...
How can you tell which ones are in-place and which ones are not in the browser? Not sure I understand. It's not obvious (until you know what you're looking for) but if you have several instances of a in-place family then you'll see Generic Model 1, Generic Model 2, Generic Model...
房间、房间标记、高程点尺寸、组、非曲线驱动的族实例,以及所有内建族实例,使用LocationPoint。Room, RoomTag, SpotDimension, Group, FamilyInstances that are not curve-driven, and all In-Place-FamilyInstances use LocationPoint. Revit平台APII中,曲线驱动意味着,图元的几何图形或位置是由由一个或多个关联的...
1-9 Family Files And Templates 1-10 System Families 1-11 In Place Families 第2章:基本创作工具 2-1 Opening A Standalone Revit MEP Project 2-2 Viewing The Model 3D 2-3 Viewing The Model 2D 2-4 Systems Tab HVAC And Mechanical
In the past, in order to get a linked 3D DWG or SKP model to cut in a section, elevation, or plan view, you had to nest it into an in-place family. Now, you can simply select the linked element and toggle theEnable Cutting in Viewsinstance parameter as shown below. The example is...
Revit Family API DevTV In Chinese PPT
Producing a Revit Family is tough! So we decided to build a library of Revit Families that are easy to use, making designing your project much more simple.