Line wallLine=Line.CreateBound(start, end);//Create a wall using the location lineWall newWall = Wall.Create(document, wallLine, level.Id,true);//Find a Window type for the new windowsFilteredElementCollector winCollector =newFilteredElementCollector(document); IList<Element> windowTypes =winCo...
FamilySymbol symbol = symbolItor.Current as FamilySymbol; XYZ location = new XYZ(x, y, z); FamilyInstance instance = document.Create.NewFamilyInstance(location, symbol, wall, level, StructuralType.NonStructural); x += 10; y += 10; z += 1.5; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9....
FamilySymbolProfile:由轮廓族类型定义的轮廓,可以用NewFamilySymbolProfile(FamilySymbol)将轮廓族转换成放样轮廓线; profileLocationCurveIndex用来指明轮廓线放置的位置,可以放到拉伸的起点、终点或者其他位置;profilePlaneLocation将放样轮廓线放在哪个平面上; 放样融合: 放样融合是放样和融合两种方式的综合体; 一个轮廓沿着...
• The app works with all coordinate systems and element location types. See screenshots for all available options. • You can choose which point on each Revit object to use for coordinate calculations, or even tell the app to report the coordinates of a “coordinate marker” family nested...
Loading family error(2) Location(7) location point(1) lock instance(1) lock parameters(1) locking(1) LogicalOrFilter(1) Login(1) Lookup(2) Lookup Tables(1) LookupCommandId(1) loop tools(1) machine learning(2) Macro(7) Macros(5) MainWindowHandle(1) maker(1) ...
However, the location of the vision panel with respect to the door would be fixed. Solid and Void Form Geometry Types Geometry in families consists of solid and void forms. Solid forms represent the actual physical parts of the family and void forms are used to carve away portions of the ...
View Title location changing after duplicating Sheeet - [SheetLink] Surface Area from Rooms not identified as numbers in Room Schedule - [SheetLink] Combined Parameters exported with wrong values - [SheetLink] Incorrect decimal separator in numbers while exporting Room Schedule - other minor bugs fixe...
In the title block sheet, on the Family Editor Design bar, click Label. Click the location on the sheet where parameter is to be placed. In the Select Parameter dialog box, click Add. In the Parameter Properties dialog box, click Select. In the Shared Parameters dialog box,...
Ceilings can't. I'd like to produce a schedule of ceilings within my project showing their type, location and area - unfortunately Revit can't do this. This idea is for Ceilings to be able to find the room they are in, just the same as doors, windows, furniture etc. (If the ...
Revit data can be stored on a local computer, in a network location, or in a Autodesk Docs project. Revit Home provides a way to access and open your Revit data no matter where it is stored. When you open Revit, the Home page displays. Recently used models are listed in the upper...