}//创建一个线的路径BoundingBoxUV bbox =face.GetBoundingBox(); UV lowerLeft=bbox.Min; UV upperRight=bbox.Max;doubledeltaU = upperRight.U -lowerLeft.U;doubledeltaV = upperRight.V -lowerLeft.V;doublevOffset = deltaV *0.80;//80% up the wall faceUV firstPoint= lowerLeft +newUV(delt...
Face face, XYZ location, XYZ referenceDirection, FamilySymbol symbol ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 案例如下,通过指定位置和方向创建一个照明设备 void CreateLightFixtureOnWall(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document document, Wall wall) { FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document); colle...
Fixed an issue that could occur when light fixture families with type catalogs are imported, exported or saved.Fill PatternsFixed an issue where Cut Pattern from the linked RVT is not displayed over the wall in host model because multiple cut patterns for overlapping geometry no longer display.Fl...
Face-Hosted Lighting Fixtures 570 Face-Hosted Families for Wall-Mounted Lights 571 Fixture Types Based on Dimensions 572 Fixture Types Based on Fixture Performance and Lighting Characteristics 573 Naming Conventions 576 Performing a Lighting Analysis 576 Light Source Location 578 Light Source Definitions 5...
Chapter 20 Creating Light Fixtures 559 Understanding Types of Lighting Fixture Families 559 Nonhosted or Level-based Lighting Fixtures 560 Face-hosted Lighting Fixtures 566 Face-hosted Families for Wall-mounted Lights 567 Fixture Types Based on Dimensions 568 Fixture Types Based on Fixture Performance ...
Wall mounted light fixture, wall based, with a conical light source. The material can be changed. No Rating Product Version:Revit Architecture 2018 17272 Downloads Stair light LoginorJointo download. This light attaches to stairs to illuminate them. This is the second light I have ever created...
按面选择图元---ID_TOGGLE_ALLOW_FACE_SELECTION---创建->选择;插入->选择;注释->选择;视图->选择;管理->选择;修改->选择;建筑->选择;结构->选择;系统->选择;分析->选择;体量和场地->选择;协作->选择;上下文选项卡->选择--- 选择时拖拽图元---ID_TOGGLE_ALLOW_DRAG_ON_SELECTION---创建->选择;插入...
light fixture placement(1) Lighting(7) lighting analysis(1) lighting family(1) lighting fixture(3) lighting fixtures(2) lights(1) Line Color(1) line styles(2) Line types(1) linear(1) Lineweight(1) LineWeight Printing(1) Link(2) Link BIM 360(1) Link model(...
All of our files are Face Based Families; able to be placed onto any surface in a model, which is an important feature for designers to have the most versatility when designing with a fixture, and come equipped with 2D plot views for ease of printing and setting up reflected ceiling plans...