●在LoadFamilySymbol()中,输入的参数Name与FamilySymbol对象Name属性返回的字符串值相同。 Document projectDoc = ActiveUIDocument.Document;// 这里是自定义族实例,比如门,窗,桌子…FamilyInstance famInst = elemasFamilyInstance;// 编辑族,拿到族文档Document familyDoc = projectDoc.EditFamily(famInst.Symbol.Fami...
A dining table and its chairs could be grouped together as a family. When the table is moved to any new location, the chairs move with it and maintain their set distances from each other. In addition to furniture, walls, doors, windows, roofs, MEP components and other elements that have...
Classic Order Side and Coffee Table Revit Families rfa Black Eyed Susan Revit Flowers Family dwg fbx max rfa vrmesh vrscene Glass Balustrade Escalator Revit Family rfa Complex Crown Molding Revit Decoration Family 6 rfa French-Inspired Revit Wood Panel Wall Family 5 rfa Wooden Revit Window...
当一个“Table-Dining Roundw Chairs.rfa”的实例置于某个项目中,可由GetSubComponentIds()方法返回一组椅子图元的ID SuperComponent属性返回族实例的父构件。在“Table-DiningRound w Chairs.rfa”中,每个嵌入椅子的族实例父构件是“Table-Dining Round w Chairs.rfa”的实例 Code Region 12-1: Getting SubComponen...
A product by Cattelan Italia, this contemporary glass dining table is a unique mix of style and sophistication. Made of out of clear glass, the Helios dining table looks spectacular in all its glory. The polished stainless steel mechanism for the extensions add a touch of glamour to this cont...
k_dining_family k_dormitory k_exercise_center k_fire_station k_gymnasium k_hospital_or_healthcare k_hotel k_library k_manufacturing k_motel k_motion_picture_theatre k_multi_family k_museum k_no_of_building_types k_office k_parking_garage k_penitentiary k_performing...