cut(1) Cut Wall(1) CUT_EDGE(1) cylindricalFace UV(1) Data(2) Data Exchange(1) Data Import & Export(1) Data Management(1) data-shape(1) database(6) Datasmith(1) DB Link(2) DBApplication(1) DBG_ERROR(1) Debug(3) Debugger(1) Debugging(1) Decal(2) ...
publicvoidCutAndMergeGeometry(UIApplicationuiapp) { Documentdoc=uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Document; //获取要切割的墙元素 Elementwall= doc.GetElement(uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Selection.GetElementId(0)); //创建切割平面 PlanecutPlane=Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(newXYZ(0,1,0), ...
It would be really useful having an "align centre" tool that centres the SECOND object to the FIRST object's location, instead of moving both to meet in the middle. This would be a very simple way of centering objects with a shortcut instead of having to select and move by midpoint ...
How to Cut Geometry in Revit (Void Extrusion) Site Design Tutorials Browse site design posts ➞ Learn how to create Revit topography, grading, roads, parking, and site utilities. 2 Ways to Add Property Lines in Revit How to Setup The Project Base Point in Revit ...
Fixed an issue which prevented the ability to have a tapered wall with inserts that are in a different phase from the wall itself. Fixed an issue when changing the wall type while using the create wall tool to a wall type that was last used to create a tapered wall. ...
}staticvoidReadRvt(Document doc) { FilteredElementCollector wallCollector=newFilteredElementCollector(doc);varwalls = wallCollector.OfClass(typeof(Wall)).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("Walls:");foreach(Wall wallinwalls) { Console.WriteLine("ElementId:{0}", wall.Id.IntegerValue); ...
void PulldownButton.AddSeparator();添加水平分割线; 下拉记忆按钮: 下拉记忆按钮SplitButton是下拉按钮PulldownButton的派生类; 下拉记忆按钮可以关联到其中的一个命令按钮; 关联按钮:PushButton SplitButton.CurrentButton可以设置关联按钮; bool SplitButton.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem是否可以设置当前按钮(关联按钮); ...
Drag and drop that onto your Revit shortcut and get this beautiful result! Journal File Magic & Exporting Groups to File (part 2) November 2, 2023 The first thing to do, is take the cleaned journal file created in the previous post and see if it will run in Revit. So drag the .txt...
My blog post might address what is happening with your windows if they use a void to cut the host wall instead of an opening. When a family uses a void it causes strange errors or warnings when doing window or door replacement and the replacement is the same size as...
空心形状_空心拉伸---ID_OBJECTS_EXTRUSION_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心融合---ID_OBJECTS_BLEND_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心旋转---ID_OBJECTS_REVOLUTION_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心放样---ID_OBJECTS_SWEEP_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心放样融合...