cut(1) Cut Wall(1) CUT_EDGE(1) cylindricalFace UV(1) Data(2) Data Exchange(1) Data Import & Export(1) Data Management(1) data-shape(1) database(6) Datasmith(1) DB Link(2) DBApplication(1) DBG_ERROR(1) Debug(3) Debugger(1) Debugging(1) Decal(2) ...
publicvoidCutAndMergeGeometry(UIApplicationuiapp) { Documentdoc=uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Document; //获取要切割的墙元素 Elementwall= doc.GetElement(uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Selection.GetElementId(0)); //创建切割平面 PlanecutPlane=Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(newXYZ(0,1,0), ...
Revit familt not cut with view range(1) REVIT FAMILY(8) Revit family creation(3) Revit File Conversion(1) Revit Formulas(2) Revit Freezing(1) revit groups(1) Revit Help(2) revit IFC(1) Revit issue(2) revit issues(1) Revit Legend(2) Revit link model(1) Revit...
(bubbleEnd, freeEnd, cutVector, view); referencePlane.Name = "MyReferencePlane"; transaction.Commit(); } } //===代码片段3-30:元素编辑=== public void ChangeModelCurveToReferenceLine() { Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document; ModelCurve modelCurve = doc.GetElement(new ElementId(291...
}staticvoidReadRvt(Document doc) { FilteredElementCollector wallCollector=newFilteredElementCollector(doc);varwalls = wallCollector.OfClass(typeof(Wall)).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("Walls:");foreach(Wall wallinwalls) { Console.WriteLine("ElementId:{0}", wall.Id.IntegerValue); ...
空心形状_空心拉伸---ID_OBJECTS_EXTRUSION_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心融合---ID_OBJECTS_BLEND_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心旋转---ID_OBJECTS_REVOLUTION_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心放样---ID_OBJECTS_SWEEP_CUT---创建->形状--- 空心形状_空心放样融合...
Drag and drop that onto your Revit shortcut and get this beautiful result! Journal File Magic & Exporting Groups to File (part 2) The first thing to do, is take the cleaned journal file created in the previous post and see if it will run in Revit. So drag the .txt file onto the ...
Spend less time on the technical challenges Instead of performing a task and then optimizing it, we’d rather spend our time figuring out how to do it quickly and cleanly. This could be the case with any design software where three alternative ways lead to the same result. ...
It would be really useful having an "align centre" tool that centres the SECOND object to the FIRST object's location, instead of moving both to meet in the middle. This would be a very simple way of centering objects with a shortcut instead of having to select and move by midpoint ...
But it can't find intersections and cut solid families with void form families. Or is it possible and I'm doing something wrong? 回覆 eTLipse CERS (發佈者) | 一月16, 2023 Thank you for your feedback. Could you please send a more detailed report about this issue to our e-mail (...