问题: 用户指出,在Revit中的模型之间复制和粘贴图元时,遇到以下错误,然后Revit崩溃并生成CER(客户错误报告): Autodesk Revit ### 错误 - 无法忽略 发生严重错误。强烈建议您先使用“另存为”将工作保存在新文件中,然后再继续。 用户可能还会收到以下错误:“发生不
Users reported when copying and pasting elements between models in Revit, the following error is encountered and then Revit crashes with CER (Customer Error Report): Autodesk Revit ### Error - cannot be ignored A serious error has occurred. It is strong
you can use “Pick Lines” to automatically copy the CAD lines onto Revit. If the line is drawn as a Polyline in CAD, you can press “Tab” while hovering over the line to potentially select an entire Polyline versus a single segment. There is the possibility that you can convert...
Install by copy Kayvan Hashemi-Fomani | 三月15, 2023 驗證下載 (這是什麼?) Hi All, I came across the Coins add-in a few years ago, as a professional Revit user expert, I strongly believe that's the most useful Revit tool that I use every day and also recommend others to use it...
Revitでモデル間で要素をコピーして貼り付けると、次のエラーが発生し、CER (カスタマエラー報告)が発生してRevitがクラッシュするという報告がありました。 Autodesk Revit ### エラー - 無視できません重大なエラーが発生しました。続行する前に...
Is there a way to copy and share saved profiles to other computers? 回覆 Joao Teixeira (發佈者) | 二月25, 2020 Thank you @Jan for such nice feedback! The ability to share saved profiles to other computers will be implemented in the next update 😉 Cool Add-in! Ryan Ulang | 二月...
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in // object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, // provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and ...
Using the Copy/Monitor Command 235 Using the Coordination Review Tool 239 Using Interference Checking in 3D Coordination 242 The Bottom Line 246 Chapter 7 • Interoperability: Working Multiplatform 247 Examining Interoperability on a BIM Curve 247 ...
// // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in // object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, // provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and // ...
Added functionality to allow export of one or many patterns to a new .pat file from the Manage Patterns dialog of a Revit project for easier use of saved patterns in other projects or products.IFCSignificantly improved the geometric fidelity of the elements created in newly linked IFC files by...