Drafting View(1) Drag&Drop(1) Draw Retangle(1) Drawing Revision(1) Drawing Sheet(1) Drawing templates(1) Drawing Title Block(1) drawing titleblock to excel(1) drop down(1) Drop down menu(1) duct system type(1) ducts(2) duplicate(3) Duplicate View(1) duplicate...
View3D.CreatePerspective();创建透视三维视图; Creation.Document.NewViewDrafting(); ViewPlan.Create();创建平面视图; ViewPlan.CreateAreaPlan();创建面积平面视图; ViewSchedule.CreateViewList();创建视图列表; ViewSchedule.CreateKeynoteLegend();创建注释记号图例; ViewSchedule.CreateKeySchedule();创建关键字明...
3D Export(1) 3D View(2) 3D viewer(1) 45degrees(1) <Varies>(1) Adaptive Families(1) Add-in(2) Add-ins(2) Add-ons(1) Adjustable Tap(1) advance steel(1) Advance Steel to Revit(1) Air flow(1) air terminal(1) air terminals(2) Alignment(1) Alignment ...
明细表_明细表/数量;明细表/数量---ID_VIEW_NEW_SCHEDULE---视图->创建;分析->报告和明细表--- 明细表_图形柱明细表---ID_VIEW_NEW_GRAPH_SCHED_COLUMN---视图->创建--- 明细表_材质提取---ID_VIEW_NEW_MATERIAL_TAKEOFF---视图->创建--- 明细表_图纸列表---ID_VIEW_NEW_DRAWING_LIST---视图->...
Add 3D View Given a camera frame, it adds a 3D View to the active Revit document Add Ceiling Plan Given a level, it adds a ceiling plan to the active Revit document Add Dependent View Add a dependent Revit View Add Detail View Given a name, it adds a section view to the active Revi...
How Revit VR plugin works Revit 3D model to VR in 4 simple steps Create Your Account Install Upload MeetingsConvert Revit models to 3D walkthroughs Revit to VR made simple The easiest way to view and present your Revit designs in VR for design reviews, presentation and BIM collaboration ...
Desktop application to view, explore and convert 3D CAD data across 30+ file formats. Learn more CAD Exchanger SDK Software libraries for C#, C++, Java, Javascript and Python. Learn more What is Revit? Autodesk Revit is BIM software widely used by architects, engineers, designers and contracto...
RevitDrafting81 An Ode to ArchiCAD…or…can we call it something else? DebunkTheBIM APRIL 13, 2021 Revitis better, even if people often mispronounce it. TalkingRevit. But while I’m happy to drive a second-hand Jap-car to roll into work, I hate waiting for a Joe-average model to eve...
Use a comprehensive set of drafting tools to help complete construction drawings in Revit Structure, and share design data with project teams for more efficient collaboration. What’s New Key Features Common to All Revit Platform Software Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2011, Autodesk® Revit...
As such, we highly recommend using DWF-3D to convert data coming from Autodesk products such as AutoCAD, Revit and Navisworks, as well as for AVEVA PDMS+Marine products (the Okino DWF importer has been particularly optimized and written to handle the import of ultra-massive oil & gas platfor...