宏安全性worksets E 作集active workset 活动工作集gray inactive worksets以灰色显示非活动匸作集 synchronize with central 与中心文件同步 reload latest重新载入最新工作集 relinquish all mine放弃全部请求restore backup 恢复备份 copy/monitor 复制、监视 coordination review 协调查询 interference check 碰撞检查 ...
Note: When a central file with noncloud workshared Revit models (through desktop connector) will be published, the noncloud work shared models will not be visible in BIM 360 Web browser. Use Autodesk Desktop connector to link non-Revit files, for example: AutoCAD files. Try to avoid linking...
location 位置 coordinates 坐标 position 位置 macro manager 宏管理器 macro security 宏安全性 worksets 工作集 active workset 活动工作集 gray inactive worksets 以灰色显示非活动工作集synchronize with central 与中心文件同步reload latest 重新载入最新工作集 relinquish all mine 放弃全部请求 restore backup 恢复...
2. Open the Central File. Check “Detach from Central” & “Audit”, uncheck “Create New Local”. 3. Once you click Open, a dialog box will pop up. SelectDetach & preserve worksets. 4. “Purge” unused objects in the model. Go toManagetab >Purge Unused(under Settings panel). 5....
Revit Central Mode(1) Revit Connector(1) Revit crash(1) revit crashes(1) Revit Creating A Schedule(2) Revit Curtain Wall(1) Revit Dynamo(1) Revit Dynamo C Sharp Phyton(1) Revit Dynamo Tags Existing(1) Revit Energy Model(2) REVIT ERROR(3) Revit et BIM(1) Revit Exp...
Double Click the “Family_Type_Manager_Pro-Setup.exe” file to begin installing the software and save to a location on your computer. During activation, you have the option to select either the Excel 32-bit or Excel 64-bit version. After installation, an activation screen will appear for ...
Failed to refresh cached central file "This operation could not be completed. Please try again" when opening a cloud model in Revit Insufficient disk space to create the temporary files that Revit needs "Disk full while acce...
Important: If you have uninstalled a host or central server, the entire contents of the projects folder (not only the *.rvt folders) must be copied to preserve the administrative lock state. Reinstall Revit Server, making certain to configure it to use the new directories for project and/or...
Recover the last working backup of the removed model Download the last working published model Initiate the model to the cloud Note: Look at the following articles for more information about the file recovery: Recover a Workshared File Repair a Corrupt ...