"Selection cannot be copied.Can't Copy to Clipboard because of relationships between Elements" Causes:Selected object(s) are host based but host is not selected for copying. Solution:To resolve this, perform one of the ...
It would be really useful having an "align centre" tool that centres the SECOND object to the FIRST object's location, instead of moving both to meet in the middle. This would be a very simple way of centering objects with a shortcut instead of having to select and move by midpoint ...
These files will be upgraded when opened in a newer version of Revit. Revit file are not backward-compatible, so files created in newer versions of Revit cannot be opened with older versions.See Also: Templates and family library missing in Revit or Revit LT Revit Content Library Availab...
cannot open file(1) cannot select object(1) Canvas(1) capacity(1) Car Park(1) Car ramp(1) carpet(2) Casement Window(1) casework(10) casework families(4) cast shadow(1) casted shadows(2) Catalog(1) Categories(3) categories families generic specialty equipment(1...
19 Replies 447 Views MEP DWG Import in to Revit Anonymous 2 Replies 338 Views Cannot export to nwc in revit 2020 by sriramsrs12 on 2020-07-10 12:26 AM Latest post on 07-10-2020 12:26 AM by sriramsrs12 9 Replies 1723 Views Forums...
What if you are working on a big project and you need to zoom to a selected object/element each time to ensure quality? In that case, the user would normally select an object in a heavily coordinated model and then choose the Section Box Command then manually zoom into their selection. ...
Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection.ObjectType.Face, "Please select a planar face to define work plane"); Elemente = doc.GetElement(r.ElementId); if(null!= e) { PlanarFaceface = e.GetGeometryObjectFromReference(r) asPlanarFace; GeometryElementgeoEle = e.get_Geometry(newOptions()); ...
No, the Lumion exporter cannot export a single .RFA file (Family) and will result in an error ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object"). This is a technical constraint. To solve the problem, make sure that the .RFA model is placed in an .RVT project file. 5.5:...
I am sure you too have come across a situation where an object or element in your drawing is slightly out of place. You want to move it into place, but you get an error saying: “Element is too small on screen” and cannot move your object. ...
Hang when an object is deleted from a big model Interactive Rendering Unnecessary update on "Use trace depth in Production" option change UX/UI Error message includes Chinese symbols when license cannot be obtained Batch Render button is unlocked after Vision is stopped By Origin filter is visible...