Revit2018中插件定义的连接类型分为以下主要类别:所有连接(All Connections)、梁拼接(Beam end to end)、柱-梁连接(Column-Beam)、常规支撑节点(General bracings)、梁上的板(Plates at beams)、管连接(Tube connections)等,合计约130多种节点链接样式,基本涵盖了钢结构设计中常用到的节点。 产品开发的思路是设计...
问题: 在Revit中更改梁的尺寸后,钢连接不会调整大小以适合新梁尺寸。 原因: 钢连接属性必须在梁尺寸更改后手动编辑。 解决方案: 在“连接属性”对话框中手动更新螺栓数(或其他参数)。有关一次更新多个连接的详细信息,请参见此视频:钢连接分组。 如果您希望此行为发
問題: Revit プロジェクトで、Z、THQ、シグマなどの一部の鉄骨プロファイルにボルトを配置したり、鉄骨接合や鉄骨モディファイヤを作成できません。次のメッセージが表示され、コマンドが取り消されます。 警告 結合要素の形...
2d to 3d(1) 3 Beam join(1) 3d(5) 3D camera(1) 3D Import(1) 3D mesh(1) 3d model(1) 3D Modelling(1) 3D Projected Geometry(1) 3D View(2) 3d views(1) 3D Walls(2) 3dviews(2) @(1) ACC(2) ACC DOcs(1) Acces(1) Access Database(1) Activation(...
Revit Steel Connection(1) Revit Structure(4) revit structure beam overlap(1) revit Strucutre(1) Revit student license can work with the Revit server license(1) Revit Support(1) Revit technical question(2) revit template(2) Revit Templates(1) Revit Titleblock(1) Revit to AutoC...
Improved behavior for cases where there is an existing direct link connection associated to the active Revit project, and a family is opened for edit; previously the direct link connection could be lost after returning to the active Revit project. Improved the behavior for cases where the work...
BeamSystemJustifyType beginning center direction_line end format get_name get_names get_underlying_type get_values is_defined parse to_object try_parse BeamSystemType can_have_type_assigned change_type_id get_change_type_any get_change_type_element_addition get_change...
梁系统BeamSystem:BeamSystemType、BeamType、Direction、Level、Profile; 结构桁架Truss:Truss.Create();TrussType;Truss.Truss; 结构基础ContFooting:独立基础(FamilyInstance类)、墙基础(ContFooting类)、基础底板(Floor类); 有些元素既存在于结构模型中,又存在于建筑模型中; ...
“PowerPack for Revit® plug-in offers a wide range of productivity tools for Revit®. We more particularly use the beam numbering functions and the slab/wall connection functions, which save us precious time in the creation of Revit® sections. The Powerpack’s Join/Unjoin function alone...
RevitCommandId id = RevitCommandId.LookupPostableCommandId(PostableCommand.TrimOrExtendToCorner); if (uiApp.CanPostCommand(id)) { //调用UIApplication.PostCommand() 来发送Revit自导的命令。 uiApp.PostCommand(id); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.