I am developing an add-in for Revit 2023 using C# and the Revit API. The goal is to export all schedules (ViewSchedules) to an Excel file, with each schedule being saved on a separate sheet. However, during the data extraction process, I encountered the following issues:...
Revit API 是一组libraries 和 classes,允许设计师以编程方式与 Revit 交互。 下面是使用 C# 在 Revit 中创建明细表的示例代码: // First, you need to get the current Revit document Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document; // Create a new schedule ViewSchedule newSchedule = ...
ViewSchedule.CreateViewList();创建视图列表; ViewSchedule.CreateKeynoteLegend();创建注释记号图例; ViewSchedule.CreateKeySchedule();创建关键字明细表; ViewSchedule.CreateMaterialTakeoff();创建材质提取明细表; ViewSchedule.CreateNoteBlock();创建注释块; ViewSchedule.CreateRevision();创建修订明细表; ViewSchedu...
a postat the Revit Architecture Forum, Jesse explained that his firm uses an issue list schedule to show issuances and what sheet are included within that issuance. But this is a manual process where employees have to input the dots by hand. Lots of effort and human error. Looking for an ...
在API里管段对应了一个PipeSegment类,要获取可以用Class过滤去来过滤 如果要创建管段可以使用PipeSegment的Create方法来创建,这是个静态方法 public static PipeSegment Create( Document ADocument, ElementId MaterialId, ElementId ScheduleId, ICollection<MEPSize> sizeSet ...
Revit api Units(2) Revit Architecture(2) Revit Architecture Section to 3D Conversion(1) Revit C(1) Revit Central Mode(1) Revit Connector(1) Revit crash(1) revit crashes(1) Revit Creating A Schedule(2) Revit Curtain Wall(1) Revit Dynamo(1) Revit Dynamo C Sharp Phyton(...
Category is used to classify elements. The element category determines certain behaviors. For example, all elements in the same category can be included in the same schedule. Elements have parameters based on their categories. Categories are also used for controlling visibility and graphical appearance...
Revit 新API與新功能 Revit 2023 新功能| 明細表(Schedules) API 明细表在图纸上的高度值 o 新类ScheduleHeightsOnSheet o 代表明细表标题(title)、列标题(Column Header)、内文行(body row) 在图纸里的高度。 o 可通过ViewSchedule.GetScheduleHeightsOnSheet() 获取。 依图纸过虑明细表数据 (Filter...
Works well for small simple schedules, but if you try to export a large schedule and change in Excel and then import back into revit, a lot of infomation in the cells get's scrambled and changes to random text. DON"T use on a live project!! 回覆 Manh Nguyen Duc (發佈者) | 十一...