Owner as Duct; con.DisconnectFrom(conn);//风道末端断开 var line = duct.LocationLine(); var mepcurve = doc.GetElement(duct.Id) as MEPCurve; ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(doc, instance.Id, line, Tools.AngleToRadians(180));//旋转风道末端 MechanicalUtils.ConnectAirTerminalOnDuct(doc, ...
New air terminal on duct enables placement of air terminal device on duct face New angle constraints to restrict angles for pipe, duct, and cable tray Cap open ends of pipe or duct content quickly CSV file removal project, embedding the data into families New plumbing template New rebar placem...
Mechanical 机械 AirTerminal(排气格栅、回流扩散器):多面体 DuctAccessories(平衡风门、防火挡板、滤筒):多面体 DuctFitting(管道配件):多面体 Ducts(管道):多面体 FlexDucts(柔性导管):多面体 MechanicalEquipment(冷却装置、锅炉,AWWA 泵):多面体 Piping 管道系统 FlexPipe(挠性管):多面体 PipeAccessory(三通阀、蝶阀、闸...
(it seems ridiculous that there is no method to do this, even the latest 2015 API only introduces an override for placing an air terminal on a duct) has anyone ever anyone ever solved this?I would also be interested in how you go about coding the "nasty" work around poste...
terminal server(1) Tessellated Shape(1) Tessellation(1) text(1) text field(1) text file(1) text files(1) TEXT STYLE(1) TextBox.EnterPressed Event(1) TextNote(1) Textstyle(1) texture(1) thickness(1) thumbnail(1) Thumbnails(1) Timer(1) title(1) title block...
颜色填充图例 风管IfcDuctSegment 风管内衬 IfcCovering WRAPPING WRAPPING 风管占位符 IfcDuctSegment 风管管件 IfcDuctFitting 风管附件 IfcBuildingElementProxy 风管隔热层 IfcCovering INSULATION INSULATION 风道末端 IfcAirTerminal 高程点 高程点坐标 高程点坡度...
OST_DuctLinings OST_DuctLiningsTags OST_DuctSystem OST_DuctSystem_Reference OST_DuctSystem_Reference_Visibility OST_DuctTags OST_DuctTerminal OST_DuctTerminalTags OST_EAConstructions OST_EPS_Demolished OST_EPS_Existing OST_EPS_Future OST_EPS_New OST_EPS_Temporary OST_EdgeSlab ...
2.0 inch of water gauge (498 pascals) static pressure Constant Volume duct system Premium efficiency, on-demand tankless domestic hot water heater (0.85 Energy Factor)- Underflow Air Distribution • Packaged Variable Air Volume (PVAV) system with under floor air distributionForward...
Revit 族实例对象类别的例子有梁、支撑、柱、家具、体量,等等。族实例对象具有更详细的属性,以便在项目中更改族实例的类型和外观。 位置相关属性 Location-Related Properties 位置相关属性显示族实例对象的物理和几何特征,如方向、旋转和位置。 方向Orientation ...
Revit Arch VS Structure VS MEP的功能差别 Revit Architecture vs. Revit Structure vs. Revit MEP 2009 Command Tool Comparison Matrix* Legend Tool Available Tool Not Available *Commands via pull-down menus only. Pull-down menus are the out-of-the-box menus only and are not all inclusive. ...