这两年各种软件都在适配深色主题(Dark Mode),用起来更省眼睛也更帅,没有个暗黑模式都不好意思出门打招呼,Revit 2024加入了全局的深色模式,也可以保留浅色绘图区,只把面板区设置成深色。 看群里有不少小伙伴说,冲着这个功能也值得升级了。 新版本增加了很多弹出窗口调整大小的选项,对于大屏用户来说是一个小提升...
Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system setting. When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme. This can be adjusted back to a light color while still in the dark theme if desired. Figure 9. ...
Dark Mode Switch Mac是一款亮暗模式切换工具。允许通过单击快速从亮模式外观切换到暗模式外观。 01 进程管理工具 Supervisor 要想在终端后台常驻进程,首先想到的是在命令后加 & 符号,来达到隐藏程序在后台的目的,尽管看起来进程已经在后台运行了,实际上终端会话关闭时进程还是会被 kill 掉,这种问题一般是采用搭配 no...
Security pyRevit helps you quickly sketch out your automation and addon ideas, in whichever language that you are most comfortable with, inside the Revit environment and using its APIs. It also ships with an extensive set of powerful tools that showcase its capabilities as a development environment...
24. Dimensions cannot be moved, have to be re-drawn.25. Dimensions work poorly, in general. Dimensions do not find the endpoints of many entities,so we have to draw construction lines (which CAN find those endpoints - ??).26. Lacks ability to ‘lock’ the visibility controls in a ...
Today I've installed Revit 2021/2023 with an Autodesk educational license. when running the software I experienced never ending pop ups looking like...
在营销类票卡制作流程中,相关部门根据营销票卡的发行计划并结合票卡制作、生产周期,填写《票卡制作联系单》经( )审批后,填写《票卡票面设计确认单》进行票面确认,并至少提前 ( )将审批及制作资料提交至票务清分中心。