Revista de Investigationes Veterinarias del Per ú (RIVEP) is a scientific journal published by the University of San Marcos in Peru. This magazine focuses on the field of veterinary science and publishes original research articles related to animal production and health, public health, and ...
期刊名称:《Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú》 | 2021年第1期 2.Resistencia a antibióticos betalactámicos y quinolonas en Escherichia coli aislada de pollos broiler 机译:从肉鸡分离的大肠杆菌中对β-内酰胺和喹诺酮类的抗性 作者:Carvajal B. Edna;Rueda G. Egberto;Talavera R. Mart...