Given these possible applications, this study's purpose was to assess the accuracy of ICD-10-PCS coding for revision total knee arthroplasty (rTKA).#This multicenter retrospective analysis utilized the rTKA databases at four academic medical centers for all aseptic rTKAs between October 1, 2015 ...
For example, the severity and extent of knee OA are can be identified radiologically, and therefore, it was not considered in the present study. And many other confounders such as degree of deformity, body mass index and status of activity were not considered in the analysis. Despite these ...
Reiteration of misinformation and inaccurate reporting on blogs, websites and social media platforms helps no-one. It devalues patient and carer concerns; it undermines the work of advocates committed to providing accurate, referenced and timely information; it panics patients and provokes knee jerk ...
SD, standard deviation; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total knee arthroplasty. a P values: primary vs revision cohorts, t test for continuous variables, chi square for proportions. b Indicated by an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis for over...
We sought to evaluate the predictive validity of a US ICD CCI adaptation in US claims and compare it with the Canadian standard. Methods Diverse patient cohorts (rheumatoid arthritis, hip/knee replacement, lumbar spine surgery, acute myocardial infarction [AMI], stroke, pneumonia) in the IBM ...
Hawker et al., "Accuracy of Administrative Data for Assessing Outcomes after Knee Replacement Surgery," Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 50, no. 3 (1997): 265-273; T. Faciszewski et al., "Administrative Databases' Complication Coding in Anterior Spinal Fusion ...
Arthroplasty, Replacement, KneeReoperationMultivariate AnalysisProportional Hazards ModelsAge FactorsEthnic GroupsAgedThe projected growth in utilization of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) will create an increasing need for revision TKA. An in-depth understanding of the ri sk factors for early revision TKA ...