In the event of such a challenge, the procedure for challenge and replacement of an arbitrator in Rules 11 to 14 shall apply. 10.7 No party or anyone acting on its behalf shall have any ex parte communication relating to the case with any arbitrator or with any candidate for appointment as...
Recent Solutions to Old Problems: A Look at the Expedited Procedure Under the Newly Revised ICC Rules of Arbitrationdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3092128Giacomo Marchisio
Expedited procedurearbitrationICCThe article addresses the new expedited procedure under the 2017 ICC Rules. Over the last twenty years, the international arbitration community has become incredoi:10.2139/ssrn.3092128Marchisio, GiacomoSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
even if arbitration rules do not expressly provide for such a procedure. For example, under the LCIA Rules, the tribunal is empowered to decide the stage of the arbitration at which any issue shall be determined (LCIA Rules, Rule 22.1(vii)). However, we consider that the cla...
1.91, Submission of Settlement, Determination of Adequacy, and Approval, specifies the rules governing submission of pro per settlements, consideration of the adequacy of all settlement, and the prerequisites for setting a case for adequacy.
Section 17:1C-43 - Procedure for collection. Section 17:1C-44 - Additional remedies. Section 17:1C-45 - Exemption from certain fees and charges; remittance. Section 17:1C-46 - Rules, regulations; contents. Section 17:1C-47 - Total amount assessable. Section 17:1C-48 - Liability for...
While some issues (e.g. the principles of service, the expedited procedure for resolving cases and the admissibility of securing a claim before initiating proceedings) are regulated in a manner that satisfies the requirements of 2023, other issues (e.g. the rules of holding remote h...