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*REVISEDManuscript(textUNmarked) 2 Summary Cell-cellcontactsplayimportantrolesinthehomeostasisofnormalepitheliumandinthe stepsofmetastasisoftumorcells,althoughsignalingmechanismstoregulatecell-cellcontacts areunclear.Inthisstudy,weobservedthatphenotypeofnocell-cellcontactsinratintestinal ...
当时没有搜到manuscript是什么意思,以为就是最终版本,就把revised manuscript(text unmarked)改了名字...
* REVISED Manuscript (text UNmarked) Dynamic architecture of the peroxisomal import R Pexp,WA Stanley,M Wilmanns 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 Against markedness (and what to replace it with) This paper first provides an overview of the various senses in which the terms ‘marked’ and ‘unmarked’...
上传修改稿时同时需要Revised Manuscript (Unmarked)以及Highlighted Revision Revised Manuscript (Unmarked)这个好理解,就是不带任何痕迹标记的修改稿, 那么Highlighted Revision是什么呢?难道是带有痕迹标记的修改稿?这样岂不是和前者重复了吗?还是需要一条一条地写出来,修改了些什么? 感谢帮忙指点!
Direct expression cloning of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, a cytokine-induced endothelial protein that binds to lymphocytes. We have cloned a previously undescribed adhesion molecule, VCAM-1, which is induced by cytokines on human endothelial cells and binds lymphocytes. Using a ... L Osborn,...
67 Conclusion: Screening using low-dose CT scan is associated with high cost, 68 repeated radiation exposure, and low accrual. The high sensitivity, convenienceErin M. Schumer MPHJaimin R. TrivediVictor van BerkelMDMatthew C. BlackMingxiao Li PhD...
[ Revised unmarked manuscript ] PTEN Reduces Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in Allergen-induced Airway InflammationLee, Kyung SunKim, So RiPark, Seoung JuLee, Ho KyungPark, Hee SunHoon, KyungLee K S,Kim S R,Park S J,et al.Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted...
*REVISED Manuscript (text UNmarked) 1 1. Introduction 2 3 Obesity is not only associated with an increase in morbidity, mortality and reduction in life expectancy, but 4 also leads to an incr... Z Gaia,C Hiller,SH Chinb,... 被引量: 0发表: 0年 accepted manuscript revised version -corr...