The Suburban Land Agency (SLA) ran the sale process, its second after a 2018 bid without any conditions provoked a campaign by the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) and the National Trust that forced it off the market. But this proposal ensured the heritage value was protected through a preci...
./ -in "../example_data_testfile" -out "../example_data_testfile_scrubbed.csv" -sources "tropicos,ildis,gcc,tpl,usda,ncbi" -class "tropicos" -nbatch 10 -d t ``` ### V. Notes 1. Taxonomic sources (command line option "sources") are the short codes for the taxon... 相似文献Palaeoclimatic reconstruction from Loch Lomond Readvance glaciers in the West Drumochter Hills, Scotland stratigraphic and sedimentological evidence conflicts with a recent proposal that the landforms in the area reflect southwestwards retreat of the last ice sheet... DI Benn,CK...
For example, in 2016, the servers of the First Bank of Taiwan were attacked with a trojan horse from the United Kingdom [1]. Several security breaches involving distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have occurred in Taiwan. The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Centre, ...