revise and resubmit as regular paper "Revise and resubmit as a regular paper" typically refers to a situation in academic publishing where an author is given feedback by reviewers and the editor to make revisions to their submitted manuscript. After making these revisions, the author is then ...
Please submit your revision as a REGULAR PAPER through the ScholarOne Manuscripts.Please go to your...
主编的意见是建议我根据两位评审专家的建议好好修改扩充后改投Regular Paper,并且在提交的时候注明上一次投稿的编号并说明是Revise and Resubmit。现在投稿中心的Status是Revise and submit as a regular paper. 第一次遇到这个情况,请高人指点,我是按主编意见注明Revise and Resubmit还是改名修改后完全按新稿件的处理?...
aYou will be unable to make revisions directly in the originally submitted Scholar One Manuscripts version of your manuscript. Instead, you should revise your manuscript using a word processor and then resubmit the revised version, ensuring that it is marked R1 (or, in the case of re-revision,...
5. In case regular books of accounts are maintained by the assessee, then copies of: Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account or the Income and Expense Account and the Balance Sheet. In case of partnership firm, the personal accounts of the partners. ...
IEEE Transactions on SMCS Resubmit, Revise/Minor Revisions/Regular Paper2 1/1 返回列表 查看: 1437 | 回复: 16 查看全部回帖@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 当前只显示满足指定条件的回帖,点击这里查看本话题的所有回帖 匿名 用户注销 (初入文坛) 应助: 0 (幼儿园) 金币: 19.4 ...
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