Our first time in New Orleans was a delightful experience full of culinary excellence. Like many of my travels, though, the initial city is mainly a precursor to boarding a ship. After two days in Louisiana, Norwegian Breakaway would be our home for a week’s time. This was the same ves...
menu contents, etc. are all outdated at this point, but I think it’s still a good representation of how our first cruise went. Suffice it to say, I need to be more timely with these – we’ve since gone on a Bahamas cruise on the NCL Breakaway in December 2016...
review Newest of Celebrity's fab five, Reflection seduces in many ways, but a few evolutionary changes were disappointing Read more feature Carnival Sunshine Sets Sail, But Maybe it Wasn’t Such a Good Idea? Read more feature Luxury and Boutique Cruise Lines: Which Is the Right One for You...