The allure of popping a pill to solve all of life’s problems is pretty well ingrained in most Americans minds, but the simple TRUTH is there is no magical pill that will give you a HUGE increase in size overnight.It just won’t happen, sorry guys!
We also get a sense of how Communism devalues the family in favor of the state. After being satisfied that she is no spy, she is trained to become an informant for the OGPU by reporting on Americans and British who visit the Soviet Union. Like Eliza in The Baroque Cycle, after many ...
One minor quibble: this German-language movie is set in the Austrian Empire, much of it in Vienna the capital, yet no one sounds Austrian. The accent is very different from High German (Americans may compare Kissinger and Schwartzenegger). It would be like "Gone With the Wind" with all ...
The genesis of the project is lost in the files of Paramount Studios, but apparently Polan Banks, one of Paramount’s screenwriters with a few novels to his credit, concocted the idea of having a team of popular novelists of the time collaborating on a novel that would both be serialized ...
Opening of Misty Beethoven, The (1976) *** (out of 4) George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion is the inspiration for this porn film, which has been called the greatest ever by many critics and I'd have to agree. In the film a sexologist (Jamie Gills) picks up Misty Beethoven (Constance Mone...
The links between increased participation in Physical Activity (PA) and improvements in health are well established. As this body of evidence has grown, so too has the search for measures of PA with high levels of methodological effectiveness (i.e. valid
Why don’t they ask about all the fraud, waste and abuse instead of who elected Musk? President Trump elected Musk. MSNBC doesn’t and won’t ever get. Why don’t they talk about why aren’t there enough Democrats in congress/Senate? Oh, I know, because Americans spoke. Trump has th...
residents and all Americans are able to do whatever it is that they like, without any punishment or laws, including and not limited to; violence, vandalism, theft, *** and of course murder. While the first purge film in the series was revolutionary and kick started a franchise that is no...
The most disheartening thing is how so many supposed solutions end up failing to make any real difference or cause more issues further down the line. With textiles, for example, cotton tote bags need to be used 7,000 times to match the environmental cost of a single-use plastic bag, ...
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