Routine general medical examination, Adult and child immunization, Nutritional consultations, Smoking cessation, Cancer screening, Travel medicine Abdominal Pain, Allergies, Asthma ,Back pain, Migraine, Osteoartritis, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Urinary Tract Infection Non Communicable diseases:- Hyperte...
On Sept. 1 the police raided a factory in southern Taiwan that is accused of producing hundreds of tons of oil that had been recycled from restaurant waste and slaughterhouse byproducts. Another company, Chang Guann, bought and reprocessed the tainted material into 782 tons of oil. Of that, ...
I have never seen my regular osteo of several years look so surprised, also declaring Missy sound and confessing she absolutely did not think this was possible for her. To be honest, I can’t believe it myself. Thank you so much, what an incredible healing community this is! I am so ...
I tried 2 chiropractors and an osteopath and also an inversion table with out success. I bought the 4 products recommended for a slipped disk as well as a few others. I noticed improvement in the 3rd day and now am able to work with out too much discomfort where as before it was ...