This film tells the life of Yossi, the Israeli soldier who lost his love in war, ten years after his loss. Yossi has become a cardiologist, working in a hospital. He is lonely and solitary on purpose. He meets a young soldier, and he struggles whether to let someone into his life or...
James Poe’s adaptation of Brooks’ play is a prime example of how to capture the essence of a play while expanding its potential through the medium of the cinema. And if ever a play was more suited to the screen than to the stage, it wasFragile Fox.However, though Poe’s screenplay ...
Too bad Ed Wood passed away years ago. He's replace Bela as the muse.The film is poorly written and worse acted. It's abject trash.Word to the wise Frank impersonator -- keep your lucrative cardiologist job and stop financing vanity projects. Helpful•13 5 ...
Galaxy Superspeciality Hospital - Cardiologist in Mulund, 2D echo in Mulund, Cardiac Hospital in Mulund 1 min (0.3 km) Restaurant Kampa Chinese Restaurant 1 min (0.6 km) Mall Kappeesh Mall 4 mins (2.9 km) Bus Stand Mulund Station (E) Bus Stop 2 mins (1.1 km) View more on Maps HS ...
In recovery, I had extreme shortness of breath, chest tightness, breast tissue ache, and extreme upper back pain. I told a nurse. Was this a heart attack? Three cardiologists arrived. They agreed these were known side effects, told me why Brilinta was chosen, but agreed Plavix worked ...
I ended up on a heart monitor, seeing a cardiologist, in addition to other heart-related tests all because my therapist is dead set on taking me off Klonopin. I've been on 1mg of Klonopin since 2008 and take it only as needed, mostly once a panic attack begins. I will never take ...
Junction Of Chaphekar Bandhu Marg & Mithagar Road Chafekar Bandhu Chawk, Next To Azad Nagar & Dhingra Park, Mulund East, Central Mumbai Suburbs, Mumbai Around This Project School Seven Isles International School 2 mins (0.4 km) Hospital Galaxy Superspeciality Hospital - Cardiologist in Mulund, ...
Date of experience: May 23, 2024 Useful2Share Moni Herrera 1 review US Aug 7, 2024 Late reaction Late reaction: Yesterday on my first Cardiologist app had a bad news for me. I just realize new expenses with Wyndham contract sign on July 24 2024 I called and explain "Please cancelled ...
ASSSA approved me to see a Cardiologist and as a consequence I was sent to a Sleep Clinic where I have been diagnosed with sleep Apnea on top of my Cancer!! ASSSA staff have been in constant contact with me in all my related medical problems ensuing that I was afforded the best ...
🏨 Comprehensive pre-op tests, including blood tests, pulmonary X-ray, abdominal ultrasound (USG), ECG, and consultations with a dietician, psychologist, cardiologist, and general practitioner to ensure you’re fully prepared. Endoscopy under general anesthesia for a thorough check-up before the ...