In 2022, Google made its long-awaited debut in the smartwatch space. However, the original Pixel Watch was far from a perfect device, easily outclassed by Samsung Galaxy Watches and the Apple Watch. ThePixel Watch 2makes some noted improvements, but is it ultimately enough?
Here’s what it was like to test the Google Pixel Watch 2 and my honest review of the product. Fast Facts Price: $349.99 on the Google Store Best for: Tracking workouts, heart rate, sleep My rating: 4.5/5 What I like: Sleek interface, easy to use, stats are accurate What I don'...
The Pixel Watch 2 also provides good health and fitness tracking. Fitbit was a pioneer on this front, and the Pixel Watch essentially uses Fitbit's sensors and algorithms, so this is unsurprising. Step count is among the most accurate I've experienced, with the watch smart enough not to ...
The Pixel Watch 2 catches up to Fitbit's smartwatches and to other devices in key ways, making it a solid choice.
The Google Pixel Watch was replaced by theGoogle Pixel Watch 2in October 2023 with the new model addressing many of our qualms with the first. Those considering the Google Pixel Watch should spring for the newer version instead; here'sa detailed comparison of the two. We also expect theGoogle...
The improvement over the Pixel Watch 2 is significant enough for me to recommend selling your Pixel Watch 2 and investing in the Pixel Watch 3. The battery life is better, the display is better, there are more health sensors, and it can do a hell of a lot more. What more could yo...
From a hardware perspective alone, the Pixel Watch 3 hasn’t changed much. It runs on the same Qualcomm chipset inside, has the same aluminum build as Pixel Watch 2, and the design hasn’t changed either. But there’s literally a whole second half to it. ...
This is the pixel watch 3 and not sure if you've noticed but this is actually the first Google Smartwatch that I review. Yes, I did have the first two generations and I will admit that I did my best to try to use them, but a few things just didn't work o
The Pixel Watch, like the Fitbit Sense 2, is also a victim of a confused lineup For example, the Pixel Watch doesn’t have the same automatic workout tracking as a Fitbit. You have to manually start an activity if you want it to be counted in full. However, certain activities — ...
SELF’s Fitness Director tested Google’s new smartwatch. Here’s our full SELF Certified Google Pixel Watch review. It’s the first coupling of Google and Fitbit.