Sukrueangkul A, Phimha S, Panomai N, Laohasiriwong W, Sakphisutthikul C. Attitudes and beliefs of cancer patients demanding medical cannabis use in North Thailand. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2022;23(4):1309–14. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Sura KT, Kohman L, Huang D...
1.1.MrNumbercomestoaforest.Let’shelphimto SslookatPPT.seeveryfar. 2.S“eggs”2.Whatcanyousee? S“Five.”Howmanyeggs? S“pencils”Whatcanyousee? Howmanypencils? S“Three.” Really?Let’scountagain. S“Eight.” (点击播放幻灯片,有一部分被遮挡的铅笔显露。) ...
Tam Leung Restaurant was a 4 minute walk away from my hotel (Lee Chiang Hotel) and it immediately became my go-to place to eat in Chiang Mai. The food is great and affordable. There is a girl working there who is named Phim and she was ridiculing and mocking me for trying ...