Named entity recognition (NER)Information extractionCyber securityMachine learningDeep learning随着互联网技术飞速发展和大数据时代到来, 越来越多网络空间安全文本出现在互联网上. 这些文本不仅包括安全概念, 事件, 工具, 指南和政策, 还包括风险管理方法, 最佳实践, 保证和技术等. 整合大规模, 异构和非结构化的...
Named Entity Recognition Opinion Mining Sentiment Analysis As long as your documents are text documents or text-enable PDF files, ATLAS.ti's automated tools can provide essential assistance in the data analysis process.
40 [63] Mining chemical patents with an ensemble of open systems Database: the journal of biological databases and curation 1 To develop a system for named entity recognition of chemicals and genes/proteins in patents 21000 patents Entity recongintion models Ensemble classifier 41 [76] Application...
Text mining is a multidisciplinary field based on information extraction, machine learning, linguistics-based, and statistics-based data mining (Tran, 2019). In more detail, the processes involved are tokenization, normalization, lemmatization, stemming, named entity recognition (NER), Part of Speech ...
The team applied their approach to mBERT and evaluated it on three tasks: named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech (POS) tagging, and dependency parsing (DEP). The proposed approach boosted performance on the 19 underrepresented languages surveyed, producing cons...
UniversalNER: Targeted Distillation from Large Language Models for Open Named Entity Recognition(2023), arXiv, Wenxuan Zhou and Sheng Zhang and Yu Gu and Muhao Chen and Hoifung Poon. Using Transfer Learning for Code-Related Tasks(2022), TSE, Mastropaolo, Antonio; Cooper, Nathan; Palacio, David...
Chen, “Topic modeling for named entity queries,” in Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM ’11, 2011, vol. 116, no. c, p. 2009.[175] S. S. Farfade, M. J. Saberian, and L.-J. Li, “Multi-view Face Detection Using ...
, Natural-Language Processing(NLP)is a series of computational techniques used to analyze and represent naturally organized text in order to achieve certain tasks and applications.Collobert and Weston(2008)have categorized NLP tasks into six types:Part-Of-Speech Tagging,Chunking,Named Entity Recognition...
GRN: Gated Relation Network to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Named Entity Recognition 容量长句内容信息在一个序列中。在这篇文章中,我们提出了一个简单但是有效的基于CNN的网络对于NER,门相关网络(GRN),它能够容纳很多对比普通的CNNs在处理长句内容。明确地,在GRN我们首先利用CNNs去搜索居于内容特征对每...
Examples of T-PTLMs that can be used can include named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, machine translation, text summarization, natural language generation, speech recognition, content moderation, automated question answering systems, or the like. Moreover, T-PTLMs can be obtained from the ...