本文旨在展示国际金融学顶级刊物Review of Financial Studies发表的有关中国经济题材的论文,为对中国经济感兴趣的学者们提供借鉴。 本期共有23篇RFS论文上榜,其中2篇涉及股权分置改革,2篇与国企混改有关,2篇运用了A+H股双重上市的特殊数据,3篇研究了权证泡沫,3篇涉及政策调控或监管调整(如房地产调控、经济刺激和独...
【作者】Lisa Maria Dellmuth, Department of Economic History and International Relations, Stockholm University;Jan Aart Scholte, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg; Centre for Global Cooperation Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen, German;Jonas Tallberg, Department of Political S...
Studies are grouped according to size of the library (less than 4,000 or greater than or equal to 4,000) and percent use (less than 50% and greater than or equal to 50%). There is a significant inverse relationship between the size of the library and the percent use.Robert J. Vee...
Review of International Studies (《国际研究评论》)是由剑桥大学出版社代表英国国际研究协会出版且同行评审的国际关系学术期刊,其前身为British Journal of International Studies (1975 - 1980) 。该期刊致力于反映全球政治的性质变化和新兴的政治挑战,旨在为国际社会搭建一个可供辩论的平台用以讨论当下紧迫的全球议题。
The Review of Economic Studies 2023年第6期11月刊 Volume 90, Issue 6, November, 2023 ——更多动态,请持续关注gzh:理想主义的百年孤独 1 A Theory of Falling Growth and Rising Rents Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud, Timo Boppart, Peter J Klenow, Huiyu Li G
金融学顶刊《Journal of Finance》“偏爱”哪些中国故事? 在国际顶刊讲述中国故事,通常离不开中国特有的市场环境和数据。 本文旨在展示国际金融学顶级刊物《Review of Financial Studies》发表的有关中国经济题材的论文,为对中国经济感兴趣的学者们提供借鉴。
摘要:This paper studies the effect of deposit insurance on depositor behavior. Our theoretical framework integrates insights from public and financial economics and predicts that (1) deposit insurance induces bunching at the threshold in the deposit distribution and (2) an increase in the insurance th...
Review of Accounting Studies》(《会计研究评论》)是会计领域的重要期刊,主要发表和会计相关的理论、实证和实验等学术研究成果。2021年,《Review of Accounting Studies》的影响因子为3.419. 相关阅读:更新 | 从JAE、AR、JAR、RAS、CAR看中国大陆高校在会计学领域排名 ...
Time Consistency and Duration of Government Debt: A Model of Quantitative Easing 政府债务的时间一致性和期限:量化宽松模型 Saroj Bhattaraiand others The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 90, Issue 4, July 2023, Pages 1759–1799, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdac063 ...
households must choose between growing their wealth and accessing favour exchange. We show that low-wealth households rely on favour exchange at the cost of having tightly limited long-term wealth. As a result, initial wealth disparities persist and can even grow worse. We then explore how commun...