Review of Educational Research是一份非常有价值的教育研究刊物,目前已被许多国内外高校的教师和学生广泛引用和阅读。在教育领域中,该杂志发表的论文涉及范围广泛,包括教育心理学、教育管理、教育技术、课程设计等多个方面,对于帮助研究者在教育领域深挖并创新研究也有较大的帮助。 综上所述,Review of Educational Resear...
《教育研究评论》(Review Of Educational Research)是一本以EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由SAGE出版商创刊于1931年,刊期4 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,...
出版商网址: 简介 期刊简称REV EDUC RES 参考译名《教育研究评论》 核心类别SSCI(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Review of Educational Research《教育研究评论》(双月刊). The Review of Educational Research pub...
大家好,这里是sci论文发表社,今天给大家分享整理了一上午的教育SSCI期刊目录名单‼️这些期刊涵盖了教育学领域,同时也包含了一部分计算机教育等科目相关的期刊,适合对教育学整体方向感兴趣的宝子们参考学习!🔺🔺影响因子最高的是《Review of Educational Research》,其影响因子达到了13.551,该期刊在教育学领域享有...
review of educational research:教育研究述评 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: http://rer.aera.netReview of Educational Research DOI: 10.3102/00346543074003379 2004; 74; 379 REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHLori Wozney, Peter Andrew Wallet, Manon Fiset and Binru Huang Robert M. Bernard, Philip C. Abrami, ...
review of educational research sage Review of "Educational Research: A Sage Perspective" "Educational Research: A Sage Perspective" is a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the field of educational research. The book offers a unique perspective on the importance of research in education, its ...
2022年12月最新升级版教育学 1区EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 1区教育学和教育研究是是 2021年12月最新升级版教育学 1区EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 1区教育学和教育研究是是 2020年12月旧的升级版教育学 1区EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
Review of Educational Research (影响因子:15.272)Journal of Educational Psychology (影响因子:6.241)American Educational Research Journal (影响因子:6.156)Educational Psychologist (影响因子:10.262)Learning and Instruction (影响因子:5.866)eachers College Record (影响因子:5.460) ournal of Experimental Education ...
Book Review: Science of Educational Research where. A final chapter sums up the major findings and discusses some of the remaining problem areas. On the positive side, the book is concisely mi t ten and fastmoving; refreshingly lacking are the usual drawn-out examples and elaborati... GV ...