摘要:We study the impact of changing choice set size on the quality of choices in health insurance markets. Using novel data on enrolment and medical claims for school district employees in the state of Oregon, we document that the average employee could save $600 by switching to a lower co...
摘要:We study the impact of changing choice set size on the quality of choices inhealth insurancemarkets. Using novel data on enrolment and medical claims for school district employees in the state of Oregon, we document that the average employee could save $600 by switching to a lower cost ...
摘要:We develop a model of inter-temporal and intra-temporal price discrimination by monopoly airlines to study the ability of different discriminatory pricing mechanisms to increase efficiency and the associated distributional implications. To estimate the model, we use unique data from international airl...
摘要:We study the impact of changing choice set size on the quality of choices in health insurance markets. Using novel data on enrolment and medical claims for school district employees in the state of Oregon, we document that the average employee could save $600 by switching to a lower cos...
Left-digit bias (or 99-cent pricing) has been discussed extensively in economics, psychology, and marketing. Despite this, we show that the rideshare company, Lyft, was not using a 99-cent pricing strategy prior to our study. Based on observational data from over 600 million Lyft sessions fo...
The Review of Economic Studies is one of the most highly respected academic journals in the field of economics. It is known for publishing leading research in all areas of economics, from microeconomics to macroeconomics. The journal is published by the
Founded in 1933 by a group of young British and American economists, The Review of Economic Studies aims to encourage research in theoretical and applied economics, especially by young economists. Today it is widely recognised as one of the core top-five economics journals. The Review is essentia...
(OPEC) act as a cartel. The remaining firms are a competitive fringe. We use the model to study the macroeconomic impact of the advent of fracking. Fracking weakens the OPEC cartel, leading to a large long-run decline in oil prices. Fracking also reduces the volatility of oil prices in ...
Celebrating Economics Impact Factors Oxford University Press publishes a portfolio of high impact economics journals, as reflected by our leading Impact Factors in the field. Browse our range of economics titles, which publish contemporary research on a variety of topics, and find the research that ...
● Michael Geruso, Timothy J. Layton, Grace McCormack, Mark Shepard; The Two-Margin Problem in Insurance Markets. The Review of Economics and Statistics 2023; 105 (2): 237–257. ● Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, Neale Mahoney; Long-Term Care Hospitals: A Case Study in Waste. The Review...