In a way, Dragon’s Dogma 2 reminds me of Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead 2, which was more of a remake of his first cult-classic comedy-horror movie than a sequel. The much bigger budget allowed Raimi to really dial in his true vision for Ash’s bad night with the bad book. Like Evil...
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is one of the most intriguing RPG’s of the last decade. It’s a combination of design and philosophy from across the spectrum of genres bringing together the player-driven storytelling of games like The Elder Scrolls, and the unforgiving challenge of Dark Souls, albeit not...
Capcom’s long-awaited sequel toDragon’s Dogmamostly follows the same formula: an action RPG set in a medieval fantasy world where existence is defined by the duality of a Dragon and its would-be killer, a singular Arisen (the former chooses the latter by ripping out their heart). The D...
Dragon's Dogma is back and, despite some frustrating design decisions, sets itself up as one of the better open-world experiences of 2024.
Dragon's Dogma 2offers you a wide variety of vocations from which to select. If you so desire, you will get the chance to test out each of them with their Arisen. When you create a character, you get to pick one of four initial occupations for your Arisen and main pawn: Thief, Arch...
Dragon’s Dogma 2 expects – and, hell, wants –you to treat it as a world that you’re living in, rather than a story that’s playing out in front of you. In that sense, it very much falls in line with the sensibilities of something like The Elder Scrolls. The world is governed...
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Dragon’s Dogma’s creative breakthrough—as a series, since much of what the sequel does was introduced in the 2012 original—is that it conceives of the RPG adventure not as a string of combat encounters or dialogue decisions, but as often arduous traveling through ...
Dragon’s Dogma 2is the perfect medley of weird, wonderful, and complex. It’s the adventure of a lifetime, and I just can’t get enough. Recommended Videos The sprawling open-world RPG takes elements players are accustomed to and thoroughly shakes them up. There are random encounters that...
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is bigger, vastly more ambitious, incredible to look at (most of the time), and every bit as uncompromising as the original. It will both delight some, and dismay other, action RPG fans that The sequel does very little hand-holding. The developer has not made many cha...
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is destined to go down as a defining moment for open world design, mentioned in the same breath as Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring. Weaving a Web Dragon’s Dogma 2 is filled with fascinating stories, who’s personal stories all weave in and out of your own. ...