Cocaine Bearis a fun time but you should check your brain at the door. Trust me, you will enjoy the movie more if you do. Grade: B
A lot of the reviews I’ve seen for “Cocaine Bear” contain some variation on the line, “This movie delivers exactly what it promises.” I’m going to say that’s not entirely true. To be sure, there is a bear high on cocaine in this movie. Nobody is going to say that this m...
(with increasingly specific on-screen text) before they converge on the Chattahoochee Forest in northern Georgia where the titular cocaine bear roams. These characters are played by recognizable and charming actors which makes spending time with them fun, but the real strength of the ensemble and ...
All of which means thatCocaine Bearhas to work pretty hard to do something that we haven’t seen before, and although we’ve seen animals affected by pesticides, microwaves, laser beams from space and bits of meteors that have dropped in the sea, we haven’t actually seen a wild beast g...
We have officially sunk very low with“Cocaine Bear,”way past other films where the title alone describes the only thing that happens, like “Snakes on a Plane,”“We Bought a Zoo” or “Sharknado.” Aping other genres of filmmaking, this one never finds its own voice or a way to in...
Cocaine Bear is a wild ride based on a true story. Little do they know, they'll soon meet Cocaine Bear.Credit: Pat Redmond/Universal Pictures As bananas as it sounds,Cocaine Bearisrooted in fact. In 1985, drug smuggler Andrew Thornton (Matthew Rhys) dropped millions of dollars worth of ...
The best part of the Cocaine Bear experience is just thinking about it, saying it out loud, making plans to see it, telling people you saw it, and working the film’s title into literally any group chat or social media post.
Cocaine Bear is a wild ride of a movie that tells the bizarre and true story of a black bear in Georgia that stumbled upon a stash of cocaine and consumed it, going on a drug fueled rampage. The film, directed by Elizabeth Banks, is a mix of dark comedy ...
15. Cocaine Bear Universal Pictures Release Date: February 24, 2023 Who's got two thumbs and wants to watch a movie about a bear who takes a whole lot of cocaine and goes on a murderous rampage while Keri Russell sports a — let's say memorable — Southern drawl tries to keep herself...
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