近年来,会计学系教师的多篇论文发表于Journal of Accounting Research (UTD24; A+), Contemporary Accounting Research (A; FT50), Review of Accounting Studies (A; FT50), Production and Operations Management (UTD24), Journal of...
近日,我系游家兴教授作为通讯作者与山东大学伍翕婷助理教授(我系2022届博士毕业生)和澳洲麦考瑞大学罗乐教授合作论文“Actions Speak Louder than Words: Environmental Law Enforcement and Audit Fees”在Review of Accounting Studies在线发表...
reveals a significant exponential increase in the utilization of ML in business and finance. Figure1illustrates the outcomes of an inquiry into fundamental ML applications in emerging business and financial domains over the past few decades. Numerous studies in this field have applied ML techniques to...
The overall picture that emerges is quite promising: the selective abilities of ILs, together with their extreme flexibility in design, make them potential candidates against cancers, bacteria, and viruses. However, even though there are a relevant number of studies on the “toxic ability” of ILs...
近日,厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院副院长、会计学副教授胡金帅,与美国圣塔克拉拉大学(Santa CLARA University)副教授Siqi Li、美国加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校(University of California-Irvine)教授Terry Shevlin,一起合作完成的学术论文,在国际权威...
, journal of financial economics 是国际公认的财务与金融领域三大顶级期刊,也是ut dallas界定的24本顶尖商科期刊之一. 蔡欣妮,博士,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院讲师,研究生导师.主要研究领域为公司治理,公司金融.研究成果发表在 review of fin...
继与合作者共同研究完成的文章Anomalies and the Expected Market Return被国际经济学类核心期刊The Journal of Finance接收后,我院青年教师李彦又一篇文章被顶级期刊接收。 文章Social Proximity to Capital: Implications for Investors and Firms...
The Accounting Review(简称TAR)创刊于1926年,是UTD世界顶尖Top 3会计期刊之一。这是杨道广副教授继在UTD世界顶尖管理期刊Journal of International Business Studies发表研究成果后的又一篇高端学术发表,也是我院近年来定位高质量学术发表的重要成效之一。 ...
近年来有11篇论文第一作者或者共同第一作者在会计、财务学领域国际顶级和著名刊物发表或接受发表,包括会计学全球三大顶级期刊之一Journal of Accounting & Economics(1篇,Top 3 & UTD 24,2021年度影响因子7.293)、国际商业学全球排名第一顶...