Skin ageing is the result of intrinsic genetic and extrinsic lifestyle factors. However, there is no consensus on skin ageing phenotypes and ways to quantify them. In this systematic review, we first carefully identified 56 skin ageing phenotypes from multiple literature sources and sought the best...
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a type of aggressive mature B-cell neoplasm. Skin involvement of MCL is extremely rare, with only 21 cases reported so far. We report a case of MCL with blastoid variant, presenting as skin lesion initially. A 53-year-old man presented with increasing petechi...
JLR: WHERE IN THE SKIN ARE THESE BARRIER PROPERTIES LOCALIZED? KRF: The permeability barrier properties are primarily localized to the outer epidermal layer, the stratum corneum (1). The stratum corneum consists of corneocytes, keratinocytes that have undergone terminal differentiation, surrounded by ...
Mantel cell lymphoma is one of the small B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and usually involves lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and Waldeyer's ring, but rarely skin and orbit. A 53-year-old man presented skin nodules and plaques on the head, trunk, and lower...
Tuberculous meningoencephalitis in a patient with hairy cell leukemia in complete remission. J Clin Exp Hematopathol 2012; 52: 31–34. 54 Ganzel C, Gatt ME, Maly A, Ben-Yehuda D, Goldschmidt N. High incidence of skin rash in patients with hairy cell leukemia treated with cladribine. Leuk...
Biology Department, College of Science, Jouf University, P.O. Box: 2014, Sakaka, Saudi Arabia Ben Amar Cheba Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran-Mohamed Boudiaf (USTOMB), BP 1505 Al Mnaouar, 31000, Oran, Algeria ...
They are able to reduce the free space in the polymeric matrix, resulting in high mechanical and barrier properties of protein-based films, extending food material’s shelf life and improving its quality (Hassan et al. 2018). Films prepared using cold water fish gelatin with different ...
Shadow cost of oral corticosteroids-related adverse events: a pharmacoeconomic evaluation applied to real-life data from the Severe Asthma Network in Italy (SANI) registry. World Allergy Organ J. 2019;12(1):100007. doi:10.1016/j.waojou.2018.12.001PubMedGoogle Scholar 10. Anderson WC ...
Abstract The rising pollution by synthetic dyes from the textile industry is a serious health problem calling for safer chemicals and textile production methods. As an alternative, bio-based colorants are increasingly used for food, cosmetics, flavors, medical applications. Here we review bio-based ...
In order to control T2DM, it is encouraged to correct the lifestyle, to reduce the body mass index, and the use of oral antidiabetic drugs. For example, the most used in T2DM management are insulin secretagogues, drugs that reduce insulin resistance, and carbohydrate digestive enzyme inhibitor...