Warner Bros. Eighteen years have passed since we last saw Neo and Trinity in “The Matrix Revolutions.” Eighteen years of patiently waiting for a fourth film even though for a long time it appeared to be a hopeless dream. (Unless you were like yours truly and was happy enough that the ...
Few movies from 1999 can boast as much asThe Matrix. A groundbreaking effort, both in terms of its special effects and its allegoric mentality,The Wachowski‘s post-apocalyptic, philosophical action film pushed the boundaries of modern cinema, exceeding audience exp...
The white room is giving me Merovingian flashbacks fromThe Matrix ReloadedandThe Matrix Revolutions. The sequels do slightly take away from re-watching the first film. I also want to note I love the TV in this scene that I always assumed it was a prop made for the film. I was wrong.T...
Mat Dekinder
What is the Matrix? Well, for the one person that hasn't seen this film, the Matrix is an elaborate computer-generated reality that we experience everyday. The problem is that someone has pulled the wool over our eyes and led us to believe that this computer program is in fact reality ...
Obviously, I'm not going to tell you what the Matrix is. But, once you do find out, you'll leave the theatre looking at everything a little differently. It opens your mind to some wacky possibilities. Technology in this film is everywhere. There were some great concepts such as brain-...
Matrix. WithThe Matrix Resurrections, everything old is new again in altered states. Fans may be disappointed that this movie doesn’t go far enough with creative new elements, scenes and stunts. Pay attention to the signs, names and places in the film. I especially liked Simulatte for the...
To sayThe Matrixis a densely iconic film is to say the murals of the Sistine Chapel were the result of a scribbling child. Amassiveunderstatement. Larry and Andy Wachowski poured so much of their influences into their script that it’s a virtual tour through every cyberpunk, underground, alt...
The first part of “The Matrix Reloaded” is a little slow going, but this is entirely forgivable because the filmmakers take us to places only mentioned in the first film. Zion is more than just a casual reference; it is the setting for a good third of the movie. I felt a little di...