Back 4 Blood Video Review 5:30 Autoplay setting: On By Kyle Campbell Updated: Oct 16, 2021 4:15 am Posted: Oct 16, 2021 4:13 amAmid a sea of seemingly endless looter-shooters, Back 4 Blood bucks a lot of trends in favor of something old-fashioned. After spending 25 hours with ...
Back 4 Blood presents itself like a game where the characters and the story matter, but that’s not how it feels. You’re given some dialogue at the start and end of each level that helps contextualize why you’re doing what you’re doing, but a lot of times names are thrown around ...
Review: Back 4 Blood It’s amazing that I managed to scrape through my undergrad years, back in the mid-2000s. It was a heady time of new friends, newfound independence, enough alcohol to power an airport, the occasional lecture, and of course, hours upon hours of the originalLeft4 Dea...
Back 4 Blood is like post-apocalyptic puberty with the range of emotions it can elicit in one play session. At one end of the spectrum, there's the exhausted, frantic, elated exhilaration of surviving a particularly brutal section in one piece, everyone launching themselves through the Safe Ro...
As I’ve already said intwo different previews, Back 4 Blood is Left 4 Dead 3 in all but name. Yes, it’s set in a different place and the Infected have been replaced with the Ridden, but that’s it aside a few additional mechanics. In this particular apocalypse the hordes of mutate...
This group of 8 seeming misfits is where the diversity of Back 4 Blood’s writing is given permission to shine through, from Holly’s excitability to Walker’s gruffness. Whether playing online or solo, you’ll always be in a group of 4 so-called Cleaners, each of which has contextual ...
Back 4 Bloodrelies more on co-operation thanLeft 4Deaddoes. A great player with a great build isn't going to be able to brute force a group of plebs through the game. Everyone bringing in the right equipment and having a balanced team is generally quite important, yet almost impossible ...
Back 4 Blood truly is the Left 4 Dead 2 sequel you’ve been waiting for. While it might be more difficult than the average zombie co-op, its unpredictable gameplay will have you coming back time and time again. After playingBlack 4 Blood, I’ve realised I’d be terrible in a zombie...
Back 4 Blood unapologetically is a reconstruction of Left 4 Dead’s formula in a modern package. While even the name gives a wink to their previous projects, I wanted Turtle Rock to shake up the formula more. While I don’t believe the game’s merits are strong enough to attract anyone...
Back 4 BloodReview Score Image Credit: Turtle Rock Studios I review games on a scale of 1-10;Back 4 Bloodis an 8. The game does what it sets out to do so well, particularly given the expectations fans had for this release. If you haven’t touchedLeft 4 Deadin awhile, then this ...