在Git中使用revert命令非常简单。只需使用以下命令: `git revert` 这将创建一个新的提交,将提交的更改撤销。您可以使用commit的哈希值或引用来指定提交。 3. Revert与Reset的区别? Revert和Reset是Git中两个不同的命令,用于撤消先前的提交。但是两者之间有一些重要的区别。 –Revert创建一个新的提交,撤销指定提交的...
git checkout 66408e0 tpl/VectorSet.h This came about because I was working on a homework project and I had made my VectorSet unnecessarily complicated and introduced some bugs. I wanted to revert to a previous (and simpler) version of the file... but I hadn't learned how to do such ...
The git reset --soft mode is kinda interesting, but probably not something we need. Maybe we can use a string in the interface like, "Reset branch head to commit (git reset --mixed)" What do you think? @davvid That's great, maybe provide --hard mode as well would also be useful....
Reverting Commits Pushed to Remote (e.g. Github) Copy your folder to a backup location. The following is a hard reset, which rolls back to the previous commit. Changes since that commit will be lost. Force push it to the remote. git reset HEAD^ --hard git push origin -f Both local...
Recently I had reason to revert a commit. GitHub Desktop reverted the commit, but without any interface asking me to manually sign off, and the reverted commits failed the DCO test. The repo I was working in forbade the recommended git push --force ... action. I ended up manually ...
Suppose that you decided to undo the committed changes for any reason. To do that, you can use thegit revertcommand. It allows you to invert the committed changes from an earliersinglecommit in a new commit. It means that Git does not revert the content to the previous state, it removes...
git revert File-level (N/A) Commit level operations The parameters that you pass togit resetandgit checkoutdetermine their scope. When you don’t include a file path as a parameter, they operate on whole commits. That’s what we’ll be exploring in this section. Note thatgit reverthas ...
However, we found there was an error in the previous commit in 'Book1': Annabel Lee BY EDGAR ALLAN POE 1809-1889Published in 1849 We put the wrong year, and it should be 1849 not 1889. So, we look into thegit logto check which commit it was: ...
Revert a file to how it was in the previous commit. Usegit checkout HEAD~1 -- path/to/file Example:Revertfile.txtthe way it was in the previous commit: $ git checkout HEAD~1 -- file.txt Undo commit No files in the working directory will be changed. ...