@文心快码BaiduComaterevert change in commit 文心快码BaiduComate 在Git中,回滚一个提交(commit)通常使用git revert命令。这个过程可以分解为以下几个步骤: 1. 确定要回滚的提交(commit) 首先,你需要知道你想要回滚的提交的哈希值(通常是一个长串的字母和数字)。你可以使用git log命令来查看提交历史,并找到你想要...
$ git commit -m "revert change in b" [master d49f9f2] revert change in b 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) $ git push origin master $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # ...
$ git commit -m "revert change in b" [master d49f9f2] revert change in b 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) $ git push origin master $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # ...
(个人感觉switch方法简单可靠一点,就是简单的切换,merge有时会有很多冲突) 尤其注意,比如我从14想回到10,而在11的时候删掉了一些文件。这时就会造成冲突,死活提交不了。后来我是手动补了一些文件,才可以提交的。(svn: Aborting commit: 'D:\eclipseJee\testWeb2\wanzi.jsp' remains in conflict)...
We want to revert to the previouscommit:52418f7 (HEAD -> master) Just a regular update, definitely no accidents here..., and we see that it is the latestcommit. Git Revert HEAD We revert the latestcommitusing gitrevert HEAD(revertthe latest change, and thencommit), adding the option--...
如果我们希望彻底丢掉本地修改但是又不希望更改branch所指向的commit,则执行git reset --hard = git reset --hard HEAD. i.e. don't change the branch but get rid of all local changes.另外一个场景是简单地移动branch从一个到另一个commit而保持index/work区域同步。不过它将修改你的work tree。
git revert不恢复所有 * 直到 * 给定提交。git revert只恢复给定提交的更改,通过创建具有相反更改的新...
不进行自动提交,默认会自动提交commit. sequencer子命令 --continue 继续当前的还原操作。在处理完冲突后可以使用这个命令继续操作。 --skip 跳过当前提交并继续序列的其余部分。 --quit 退出当前正在进行的操作。可用于在cherry-pick或revert失败后清除sequencer state。
Accepted Answer On the far left, in the gutter, I get a vertical blue bar. Clicking that shows the option "Discard Change" Is that what you want? 2 comments 3 Copy robnotyou answer AntonSchukinELM OP Oct ’21 Hmm, it looks like it only appears (vertical blue bar) if a commit on...