FIGS. 8A, 8B, and 8C show evidence that the penultimate histidine residue of the ΔI-CM intein plays a critical role in regulating the C-terminal cleaving reaction. (A) Protein sequence alignment of seven canonical inteins, showing the high degree of conservation of the penultimate histidine r...
Because the reaction is reversible, the period of chain growth of an individual propagat-ing chain may be extended to the duration of the experiment. However, for most of the time, chains arein an inert (dormant) state, unable to participate in chain propagation or termination. Thus, ...
The resulting six systems that will be referenced in this paper are UGT71C5, UGT71C5-UPG, UGT71C5-UPG-ABA, UGT71C5-UPG-ABA−, UGT71C5-SSH-UPG-ABA, and UGT71C5-SSH-UPG-ABA−, with the superscript minus symbol on ABA indicating deprotonated ABA. We carried out three replicate ...